Hancock, P.A., Dewing, W.L., & Parasuraman, R. (1993). A driver-centered system architecture for intelligent-vehicle highway systems. Ergonomics in Design, 2, 12-15, 35-39.
(Winner of the Inaugural Best Article of the Year Award: Ergonomics in Design).
Transportation plays a vital role in the economic health and welfare of the global community. Traditionally it has been viewed as the safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and services. Safety represents delivery without mishap; efficiency is measured in terms of transit time.
Yet the system that supports such transit faces a serious crisis. Congestion has become the norm for roads and highways in virtually all large metropolitan areas. Projections of current accident rates suggest that there will be one traffic fatality per minute on the world’s roads by the turn of the century, and the cost of pollution and lost time productivity will continue to spiral. Little wonder that this picture of a dangerous, clogged, and polluting roadway system has stimulated concern. One potential solution to this problem is through the application of technological innovation.
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