Simulated and Experimental Temperature Responses in Man During Exercise in Varying Environments.


Hancock, P.A. (1980). Simulated and experimental temperature responses in man during exercise in varying environments. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 10, 1-9.

Stolwijk’s mathematical model of thermoregulation is validated against reported human experience.
Computed temperatures from the model were compared against experimental data obtained, using various matched environmental conditions. Three fit male subjects 168.5 ± 1.8 cm, 64.2 ± 1.9 kg, 24.5 ± 2.6 yr. (mean ± range) underwent pre-work and incremented work phases in the various conditions. Measurements of rectal temperature (TR), tympanic temperature (TT), and four skin sites (View the MathML sourceS) were taken. Air temperature (TAIR), air velocity (V), relative humidity (RH) and work (W), were manipulated.
Good simulations were achieved at 30°C air temperature, rectal temperature deviation View the MathML source < 0.10°C. As lower ambient temperatures were encountered initial transient drop of simulated core temperature was emphasized, and this was not reflected in experimental data. It is proposed that the process of thermoregulation during exercise in the cold requires further conceptual refinement in the model. By subdivision of active muscular layers in the passive system of the model superior simulations at low air temperatures, may be achieved.

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