Ergonomics as a Foundation for a Science of Purpose


Hancock, P.A., & Diaz, D. (2001). Ergonomics as a foundation for a science of purpose. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science, 3(2), 115-123.

The argument here is at once simple and profound. The first premise is that technology is the most powerful ‘shaping’ force on the planet today. The second premise is that individual impact on this force is most evident at the human-machine interface. A corollary of the second premise is that unity in intention is to be found in the aggregate of individual actions. Ergonomics, as the pursuit that mediates between operator and technology, is, therefore, the first step along the path to a science of intention as expressed in ‘world’ changes. Some initial observations on the integration of existing behavioural theories represent the first step along this royal road.

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