Design Considerations to Improve Cognitive Ergonomic Issues of Unmanned Vehicle Interfaces Utilizing Video Game Controllers

Oppold, P., Rupp, M., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., & Martin, K. (2012). Design considerations to improve cognitive ergonomic issues of unmanned vehicle interfaces utilizing video game controllers. Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 41, 5609-5611

Unmanned (UAVs, UCAVs, and UGVs) systems still have major human factors and ergonomic challenges related to the effective design of their control interface systems, crucial to their efficient operation, maintenance, and safety. Unmanned systems interfaces with a human centered approach promote intuitive interfaces that are easier to learn, and reduce human errors and other cognitive ergonomic issues with interface design. Automation has shifted workload from physical to cognitive, thus control interfaces for unmanned systems need to reduce mental workload on the operations and facilities the interaction between vehicle and operator. Two-handed video game controllers provide wide usability within the overall population, prior exposure for new operators, and a variety of interface complexity levels to match the complexity level of the task and reduce cognitive load. This paper categorizes and provides taxonomy 121 haptic interfaces from the entertainment industry that can be utilized as control interfaces for unmanned systems. Five categories of controllers were based on the complexity of the buttons, control pads, joysticks, and switches on the controller. This allows the selection of the level of complexity needed for a specific task without creating an entirely new design or utilizing an overly complex design.

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