Advancing a sociotechnical systems approach to workplace safety – developing the conceptual framework

Carayon, P., Hancock, P., Leveson, N., Noy, I., Sznelwar, L., & van Hootegem, G. (2015). Advancing a sociotechnical systems approach to workplace safety–developing the conceptual framework. Ergonomics, (ahead-of-print), 1-17.

Traditional efforts to deal with enormous problems of workplace safety have proved insufficient, as they have tended to neglect the broader sociotechnical environment that surrounds workers. Here, we advocate a sociotechnical systems approach that describes the complex multi-level system factors that contribute to workplace safety. From the literature on sociotechnical systems, complex systems and safety, we develop a sociotechnical model of workplace safety with concentric layers of the work system, socio-organisational context and the external environment. the future challenges that are identified through the model are highlighted.

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