Have Provided Consulting Services For:
ENDECO Inc; TRW; Western Airlines; Union Pacific Railroad; Air New Zealand Stewards and Stewardesses Union; Pacific Bell; Pacific Telesis; IT Corporation; National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH); WED (Disney) Enterprises; Thermacor Inc; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); Boeing Commercial Airplane Company; California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training; Pacific Coast Electrical Association; Jones, Day, Reavis, & Pogue; Safety Specialists, Inc.; Shell Oil Company; Southern California Safety Institute; Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, University of Southern California; U.S. Bureau of Mines; U.S. Navy; Ontario Hydro; State of Minnesota; State of California; National Science Foundation (NSF) Site Visit Team, National Advanced Driving Simulation (NADS); National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA); Environmental and Safety Resources; Information Dynamics Inc; 3M Company; Madico Inc; Becton-Dickinson Inc; Interscience America, Inc; American Trucking Association (ATA); UES Systems; Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF); Haworth, Inc; Guidant CPI Inc; Rockwell Collins, Inc; Allina Medical Systems; Jardine, Logan and O’Brien; Stone and Moore; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Infomove Inc; James McCann P.A; Motorola Inc; General Motors (GM); Huey, Guilday, Tucker, Schwartz, & Williams; Anteon Corporation; RSK Assessments Inc; Teleologics Inc; Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky; Professional Services Group Inc; City of West Palm Beach, Florida; Vaka, Larson, & Johnson, P.L; Adams, Coogler, Watson, Merkel, Barry, & Kellner; Sandia National Laboratories; Fowler, White, & Burnett; Barber Hightower; NASA–Institute for Human and Machine Cognition; Lobman, Carnahan, Batt, Angelle, & Nader; HRT Inc; Colgen, Inc.; Ben-Gurion University, Israel; Wright State University; Murphy, Rogers, Sloss, & Gambel; Consortium of Research Fellows; ETC Corporation; Eric Block PA., David Mishael, P.A.; Siemens Inc.; Pullin, Fowler, Flanagan, Brown, & Poe, Inc; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Reviewing, Editing and External Examiner
Associate Editor: Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
Editorial Boards: The Open Occupational Health & Safety Journal, Psychology Research and Behaviour Management, International Journal of Man-Machine-Environment System Engineering, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (2003-2009), American Editor) International Journal of Information Technology, Automation and Work., Ergonomics (1995-2004: 2007-present), Applied Ergonomics, Human Performance in Extreme Environments, Transportation Human Factors, Transportation Research: Psychology and Behavior, Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Physical Education. (1995-1997), Human Factors. (1995-1997, 2000-2005), Human Performance (1997-2001), IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Journal (2010-present), International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies, Open Cybernetics and Systemics (2007-present), Open Occupational Health and Safety Journal (2008-present). International Encyclopedia of Human Factors and Ergonomics.
Special Issue Editorships:
1) (with M. Mouloua). Aging and performance. Human Factors,
2) (with A. Andre). Pilot workload. International Journal of Aviation Psychology.
Accident Analysis and Prevention,
Acta Psychologica,
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal,
American Journal of Psychology,
American Psychologist,
Applied Ergonomics,
Applied Cognitive Psychology,
Applied Psychology: An International Review,
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine,
Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers,
Cognition, Technology, and Work,
Cognitive Processing,
Computers and Industrial Engineering,
Current Psychological Research and Reviews,
Engineering Design and Automation,
European Journal of Applied Physiology,
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology,
Experimental Brain Research,
Human Factors,
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing,
Human Performance,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems Journal,
International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies
International Journal of Aviation Psychology,
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,
International Journal of Human Factors in Manufacturing,
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics,
International Journal of Vehicle Information Systems,
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies,
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry,
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision-Making,
Journal of Cognitive Psychology,
Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering,
Journal of Environmental Psychology,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,
Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences,
Journal of Motor Behavior,
Journal of Sports Sciences,
Journal of Transportation Engineering,
Memory & Cognition,
Military Psychology,
Neuroscience Letters,
New England Journal of Medicine,
Optometry and Vision Science,
Perception & Psychophysics,
Perceptual & Motor Skills,
Personality and Social Psychology Review,
PsyCH Journal,
Psychology and Aging,
Psychological Bulletin,
Psychological Reports,
Psychological Research,
Research Quarterly,
Traffic Injury Prevention.
Book Publishers:
Reviewer: Wiley and Sons, Freeman and Company, North Holland, Elsevier Science, Springer-Verlag, Lawrence Erlbaum, Academic Press, Oxford University Press, CRC Press.
Reviewer: Usability Professionals Association, Transportation Research Board, Cognitive Systems Engineering in Process Control (CSEPC), International Symposium Human Factors in Organization Design and Management, Safety Technical Group, Aging, Aerospace, Environmental Design, Organizational Design and Management, Surface Transportation, Visual Processes Technical Groups Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Safety and Human Factors, ITS America, Usability Professionals Association.
Grant Proposals:
Reviewer: (QNRF) Qatar National Research Fund, (ARC) Australian Research Council, (HKSC) Hong Kong Science Council, (BBSRC) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK.,(EPSRC) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK., (TWT) The Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom, (ISF) Israel Science Foundation, (RNF) Ran Naor Foundation, (DSSRC) Dutch Social Science Research Council, (SNSF) Swiss National Science Foundation, (NASA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration., (NSF) National Science Foundation, (NIA) National Institute for Aging, (NIH) National Institutes of Health, (NSERC) Natural Sciences/ Engineering Research Council of Canada, (BOM)US Bureau of Mines, (MTS) Midwest Transportation Center, (AUCA) All-University Council on Aging, (UCF) Presidential Equipment Fund (Chair, 2002). Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
External Examiner
University of Witwatersrand,Johannesburg,South Africa.
Nanyang Technical University.Singapore.
University of Canberra.Canberra,Australia.
Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden.
Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria, Australia.
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.