Electronic Publications
(On the design of ballots)
(On culture and empathy)
Additional Publications (Refereed as Noted*)
1) Hancock, P.A. (1998). Dowsing the Rollrights. Skeptical Inquirer, 22 (1), 32-37.*
2) Hancock, P.A. (1998). A response to observations on dowsing. (letter). Skeptical Inquirer, 22 (3), 62-64.
3) Hancock, P.A. (1999). Research observes final seconds before crash. ITS Institute Sensor, 1 (2), 1-2. (Report on Accident-Likely Research).
4) Hancock, P.A. (1999). The time warp. Dragonfly, January/February, 14-16.*
5) Hancock, P.A. (1999). The age of time. Dragonfly Teacher’s Companion, January/February, 13.*
6) Hancock, P.A. (1999). Evaluating the Munichdowsing experiments, (letter). Skeptical Inquirer, 23 (3), 64.
7) Hancock, P.A. (2000). OakIsland’s secrets (letter). Skeptical Inquirer, 24 (4), 65.
8) Hancock, P.A. (2000). ‘Days of Grace’ at Middleham. Ricardian Register, 25 (2), 22-23.*
9) Hancock, P.A. (2000). King Richard’s Field. Ricardian Register, 25 (4), 4-7.*
10) Hancock, P.A. (2001). The Polarizing Plantagenet. Ricardian Register, 26 (4), 4-7.*
11) Hancock, P.A. (2001). Five times the Hindenburg! (letter). Skeptical Inquirer, 25 (4), 76-77.
12) Hancock, P.A. (2002). Solem a tergio reliquit: The troublesome Battle of Bosworth. Ricardian Register, 27 (2), 4-10.*
13) Hancock, P.A. (2003). To see ourselves. Global Linkages, 6 (8), 5. (Office of International Studies).
14) Hancock, P.A. (2003). Through a glass darkly: Elucidation of the ‘Bible Code.’ PartI.Tampa Bay Skeptics Report, 16 (1), 3.*
15) Hancock, P.A. (2003). The psychology of a combatant. Ricardian Register, 28 (4), 8-10.*
16) Hancock, P.A. (2003). Through a glass darkly: Elucidation of the ‘Bible Code.’ Part II. Tampa Bay Skeptics Report, 16 (2).
17) Hancock, P.A., & A.D. Fisk. (2003). Ray Eberts: Encomium for a friend and colleague. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Bulletin, 47 (1), 5.
18) Hancock, P.A. (2003). Media watch: A Royal duty. Ricardian Bulletin,Winter, 11.
19) Hancock, P.A. (2004). After Bosworth: A Fork In The Road Ricardian Bulletin, Spring, 33-34.*
20) Hancock, P.A. (2004). On the Trail of King Richard III. Ricardian Register, 29 (1), 8-10.*
21) Hancock, P.A. (2004). Archetypes and the problem of King Richard III. Ricardian Bulletin, Winter, 25-27.*
22) Hancock, P.A. (2005). On images of the ‘Princes in the Tower.’ Ricardian Register, 30 (1), 4-18.*
23) Hancock, P.A. (2005). Media retrospective. The 1898 test. Ricardian Bulletin, Spring, 13-14.
24) Hancock, P.A. (2005). Contributions to Human Factors and Ergonomics history. Human Factors and Ergonomic Society Bulletin, 48 (5), 3.
25) Hancock, P.A. (2006). Religion and skepticism. (letter). Free Inquiry, 26 (5), 11.
26) Hancock, P.A. (2006). KirbyMuxloeCastle: The embodiment of the disembodiment of William, Lord Hastings. Ricardian Register, 36 (1/2), 4-13.*
27) Hancock, P.A. (2007). Jolly good times at the EuropeChapter Annual Meeting. Human Factors and Ergonomic Society Bulletin, 50 (5), 3.
28) Hancock, P.A. (2007). NoRichard rhyme nor reason: Resisting the seduction of confirmation bias. The Medelai Gazette, 14 (3), 16-22.*
28) Hancock, P.A. (2007). The Princes in the Tower – The locus in quo. Ricardian Register, 37 (3), 4-16. *
30) Hancock, P.A. (2007). A many-headed hydra: Reasons for the persistence of and suggested anodynes to the ‘Bible Code.’ Skeptical Briefs, 17 (3),* http://www.csicop.org/sb/2007-09/hancock.html.
31) Hancock, P.A. (2008). Ergonomics in the realm of Robin Hood. The Ergonomist, 455, 4. (Also In: Bulletin of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 51 (6), 6).
32) Hancock, P.A. (2008). On the point of collision: The role of an integrative psychophysics in the evolution of the transportation autopia. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society: Surface Transportation Technical group Newsletter, 15 (1), 2, 15-17.*
33) Hancock, P.A. (2009). A birdie in paradise: Tales of a wayward hacker. Golf Monthly, Accessible at:
34) Hancock, P.A. (2009). Engineering Psychology: Bordering on the magnificent. Bulletin of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 52 (9), 5.
35) Hancock, P.A. (2009). Richard III and the Murder in the Tower. Medelai Gazette, 16 (2), 6-7.*
36) Hancock, P.A. (2009). Challenges Tiger doesn’t face: More tales of a wayward hacker. Golf Monthly, Accessible at:
37) Hancock, P.A. (2009). Distraction was the attraction at Gothenburg Driving Conference. Bulletin of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 52 (11), 6.
38) Hancock, P.A. (2009). A jewel in the crown: Review of Ashdown-Hill’s “Eleanor: The Uncrowned Queen.” Ricardian Register, 40 (1), 17-18.
39) Hancock, P.A. (2009). The ascent of Richard Plantagenet to the Throne of England. Ricardian Register, 40 (2), 18-19.*
40) Hancock, P.A. (2010). Where distraction was the attraction and inattention drew attention. The Ergonomist, 475, 14.
41) Hancock, P.A. (2010). Mystery of time? (letter). Daily Mail, January 26th.
42) Hancock, P.A. (2010). Does the Cat hold the key? Medelai Gazette, 17 (1), 9-14. *
43) Hancock, P.A. (2010). One up: Further adventures of a wayward hacker. Golf Monthly, Accessible at:
44) Hancock, P.A. (2010). I really don’t know what I saw (letter). Skeptical Inquirer, 34 (4), 65.
45) Hancock, P.A. DeLucia, P., & Warm, J.S. (2010). Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology: Division 21 of the APA: Who we are, what we do, and why we want you with us. Division of Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Newsletter, 34 (1), 7-8.
46) Hancock, P.A. (2010). Human-Centered Automation in Berlin: HFES Europe Chapter of HFES Conference. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Bulletin, 53 (12), 5-6.
47) Hancock, P.A. (2011). Remembering Julius Fraser. Time’s News: International Society for the Study of Time, 42, 6.
47) Hancock, P.A. (2011).Richard III and the Murder in the Tower: In response to Visser-Fuchs. Ricardian Bulletin, March, 49-50.
48) Hancock, P.A. (2011). On the creation of a supreme academy. Submitted.
49) Hancock, P.A. (2011). Taking your chances in Vegas. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Bulletin, 54 (10), 4-6.
50) Hancock, P.A. (2012). A Carnaval of Ergonomics. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Bulletin, 55 (3), 5-6.
51) Hancock, P.A. (2012). A jewel in our crown. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Bulletin, 55 (5), 13.