International Academic Meetings
1) Hancock, P.A., Dirkin G.R., & Byrne, A.M. Visual choice reaction time under conditions of induced cortical hyperthermia. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Association of Canada,Toronto,Ontario,Canada, October, 1981.
2) Hancock, P.A., & Dirkin, G.R. The effect of induced variation in head temperature on simple mental performance. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Association of Canada,Toronto,Ontario,Canada, September, 1982.
3) Newell, K.M., & Hancock, P.A. Movement accuracy in space-time. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Psychology of Motor Behavior,Dortmund,West Germany, March, 1983.
4) Hancock, P.A., & Dirkin, G.R. Stressor induced attentional narrowing: Implications for design and operation of person-machine systems. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Association of Canada,Toronto,Ontario,Canada, October, 1983.
5) Runnings, D.W., Brown, S., Goodman, D., & Hancock, P.A. Temperature induced changes in neuromuscular function: Central and peripheral mechanisms. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Association of Canada,Toronto,Ontario,Canada, October, 1983.
6) Hancock, P.A., Meshkati, N., & Robertson, M.M. Physiological reflections of mental workload. Paper presented at the International Conference on Occupational Ergonomics,Toronto,Ontario,Canada, May, 1984.
7) Robertson, M.M., Hendrick, H.W., & Hancock, P.A. Individual response to a computer generated mental workload task as a function of cognitive complexity. Paper presented at the International Conference on Occupational Ergonomics,Toronto,Ontario,Canada, May, 1984.
8) Newell, K.M., & Hancock, P.A. Speed-accuracy in space-time. Paper presented at the Motor Control Addition to the European Psychological Society Meeting, July, 1984.
9) Meshkati, N., Hancock, P.A., & Robertson, M.M. The measurement of human mental workload in dynamic organizational systems: An effective guide for job design. Paper presented at the First International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management,Honolulu,Hawaii, August, 1984.
10) Hancock, P.A., Chignell, M.H., & Loewenthal, A. KBAM: A prototype knowledge-based adaptive man-machine system. Paper presented at the Ninth Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,Bournemouth,England, September, 1985.
11) Hancock, P.A. Toward a model of stressor interactions. Paper presented at the Ninth Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,Bournemouth,England, September, 1985.
12) Hancock, P.A. The relationship between stress and attention. Paper presented at the Ninth Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,Bournemouth,England, September, 1985.
13) Dirkin, G.R., & Hancock, P.A. An attentional view of narrowing: The effect of noise and signal bias on discrimination in the peripheral visual field. Paper presented at the Ninth Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,Bournemouth,England, September, 1985.
14) Hancock, P.A., & Rosenberg, S. The application of the concepts of comfort and adaptability in assessing stress effect of working with display units. Paper presented at the International Scientific Conference on Work with Display Units,Stockholm,Sweden, May, 1986.
15) Hancock, P.A. Stress, information-flow, and adaptability in individuals and collective organizational systems. Paper presented at the Second International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada, August, 1986.
16) Hancock, P.A. On the use of time: The irreplaceable resource. Paper presented at the Second International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada, August, 1986.
17) Rahimi, M., & Hancock, P.A. Optimization of hybrid production systems: The interaction of robots into human-occupied work environments. Paper presented at the Second International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada, August, 1986.
18) Rahimi, M., & Hancock, P.A. Perception-decision and action processes in operator collision avoidance with robots. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Association of Canada,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada, August, 1986.
19) Hancock, P.A., Hurt, H.H., Jr., Ouellet, J.V., & Thom, D.R. Failures of driver sustained attention in the etiology of motorcycle-automobile collisions. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Association of Canada,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada, August, 1986.
20) Hancock, P.A. The impact of stress and mental workload on aircrew operation. Paper presented at the Fourth International Cabin Safety Symposium,Las Vegas,NV, March, 1987.
21) Hancock, P.A. Performance criteria as exposure limits in heat stress. Paper presented at the Annual International Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference,Miami,FL, June, 1987.
22) Rahimi, M., Hancock, P.A., & Chignell, M.H. Integrated software safety design for robotics. Paper presented at the Annual International Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference,Miami,FL, June, 1987.
23) Hancock, P.A., & Chignell, M.H. Functional synchronization: A theory for human-computer interaction. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,Hawaii, August, 1987.
24) Hancock, P.A. Tasks as stresses: The case of vigilance. Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics,Stirling,Scotland, June, 1988.
25) Hancock, P.A., Chignell, M.H., & Kerr, G. (1988). Defining task complexity and task difficulty. Proceedings of the XXIV International Congress of Psychology, August,Sydney,Australia.
26) Hancock, P.A., Vercruyssen, M., & O’Donoghue, R. The effect of gender and time of day on the subjective workload response to performance of a constant task. Paper presented at the International Ergonomics Association,Sydney,Australia, August, 1988.
27) Hancock, P.A., Mihaly, T., & Chignell, M.H. Stress and the efficiency of operator performance. Paper presented at the International Ergonomics Association,Sydney,Australia, August, 1988.
28) Mihaly, T., Vercruyssen, M., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of exercise (arousal) and movement on speed of response. Paper presented at the International Ergonomics Association,Sydney,Australia, August, 1988.
29) Vercruyssen, M., Hancock, P.A., & Mihaly, T. Behavioral toxicology: Effects of breathing 4% carbon dioxide on cognition. Paper presented at the International Ergonomics Association,Sydney,Australia, August, 1988.
30) Vercruyssen, M., Cann, M.T., Birren, J.E., McDowd, J.M., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of aging, physical fitness, gender neural activation, exercise and practice on CNS speed of functioning. Paper presented at the International Council for Physical Fitness Research, 1988 Osaka Symposium,Osaka,Japan, September, 1988.
31) Hancock, P.A., Rahimi, M., Wulf, G., & Briggs, R. Analyzing the behavior of left-turning drivers. Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Technical Conference on Advanced Safety Vehicles,Gothenburg,Sweden, 1989.
32) Beringer, D.B., & Hancock, P.A. Exploring situational awareness: A review of the effects of stress on rectilinear normalization. Paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology,Columbus,OH, May, 1989.
33) Hancock, P.A., & M.A. Robinson. (1989). The effect of control order, feedback, practice, and input device on tracking performance and perceived workload. Paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology,Columbus,OH, May, 1989.
34) Hancock, P.A. Discourse between two towers: The application of stress and workload principles to the air traffic controller. Invited Plenary paper given at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Automation and Systems Performance in Air Traffic Control,Maratea,Italy, June, 1990.
35) Hancock, P.A., & Chignell, M.H. Defining collective action: From separation to symbiosis. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing and Hybrid Automation,Honolulu,HI, August, 1990.
36) Hancock, P.A. A theory of mental workload. Invited Paper presented at the 22nd International Congress of Applied Psychology,Kyoto,Japan, July, 1990.
37) Karwowski, W., Hancock, P.A., Zurada, J.M., Ostaszewski, K. Risk of low back overexertion injury due to manual load lifting in view of the catastrophe theory. Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Ergonomics Association,Paris,France, July, 1991.
38) Hancock, P.A., Caird, J.K., & Johnson, S.B. The left-turn. Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Ergonomics Association,Paris,France, July, 1991.
39) Yang, T.A., Shekhar, S., & Hancock, P.A. Geographic database for IVHS Management. Paper presented at the Second International; Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, Minneapolis, MN, August, 1991.
40) Coyle, M., Meir, S., Shekhar, S., Yang, A., Caird, J.K., Hancock, P.A., & Johnson, S. Exploring heads-up displays for driver workload management in intelligent vehicle highway systems. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering,Minneapolis,MN, August, 1991.
41) Hancock, P.A. Human factors and user interfaces. Tutorial paper presented at the Second International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering,Minneapolis,MN, August, 1991.
42) Hancock, P.A. Human factors concerns in IVHS systems. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering,Minneapolis,MN, August, 1991.
43) Hancock, P.A., & Stackhouse, S. Human factors and safety issues in IVHS. Paper presented 25th ISATA Silver Jubilee International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, in the Dedicated Conference on Road Transport Informatics/Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems,Florence,Italy, June, 1992.
44) Hancock, P.A. Evaluating in-vehicle collision avoidance warning systems for IVHS. Paper presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Concurrent Engineering Tools and Technologies for Mechanical System Design.Iowa City,Iowa, June, 1992.
45) Hancock, P.A. Convergent evolution of hybrid human-machine systems. Panel Presentation component at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Verification and Validation of Complex Human-Machine Systems.Vimiero,Portugal, July, 1992.
46) Hancock, P.A. Emergent properties of complex systems and their influence on the role of verification and validation. Panel Presentation component at the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Verification and Validation of Complex Human-Machine Systems.Vimiero,Portugal, July, 1992.
47) Chignell, M.H., & Hancock, P.A. (1992). Design orientation and ergonomics. Paper presented at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.Chicago,IL, October, 1992.
48) Hancock, P.A., & Smith, K. (1993). Situational awareness in air traffic control. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Situational Awareness in Complex Systems.Orlando,FL, February.
49) Hancock, P.A., & Williams, G. (1993). Effect of task load and task load increment on performance and workload. Paper presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology,Columbus,OH, April.
50) Harris, W.C., Hancock, P.A., & Arthur, E. (1993). Effect of preview and fatigue on performance, automation and workload. Paper presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology,Columbus,OH, April.
51) Caird, J.K., & Hancock, P.A. (1993). The application of ecological human factors principles to virtual environment interface design. Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on Event Perception and Action.Vancouver, B.C.Canada, August.
52) Hancock, P.A. (1994). Evaluation of standards for in-vehicle human machine interfaces. Paper presented as Panel Respondent at the 12th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,Toronto,Canada, August.
53) Hancock, P.A. (1994). The time of your life. Paper presented as Panel Respondent at the 12th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,Toronto,Canada, August.
54) Hancock, P.A., Scallen, S.F., & Duley, J.A. (1994). Interface design for adaptive automation technologies. Paper presented at the Third Meeting on Human-Electronic Team Member Interaction.Cambridge,England, September.
55) Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. (1995). The risk space representation of commercial airspace. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Aviation Psychology,Columbus,OH.
56) Scallen, S.F., Smith, K., Briggs, A., Knecht, E., & Hancock, P.A. (1995). Pilot decision making in the resolution of traffic control situations in the absence of air traffic control. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Aviation Psychology,Columbus,OH.
57) Hancock, P.A., Smith, K., Scallen, S.F., Briggs, A., & Knecht, W. (1995). Shared decision making in the national airspace system: Flight deck applications. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Aviation Psychology,Columbus,OH.
58) Smith, K., Coyle, M., Lonnon, D., McGrath, M., & Hancock, P.A. (1995). TheUniversityofMinnesotaglass cockpit experimental platform. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Aviation Psychology,Columbus,OH.
59) Block, R.A., Zakay, D., & Hancock, P.A. (1995). Human duration judgment: Age and sex-related differences. Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Time,Montreal,Canada, July.
60) Hancock, P.A. (1996). On accidents. Keynote Address given at the 2nd International Conference on Driving and Fatigue,Freemantle,Australia, February.
61) Hancock, P.A. (1996). Science and disaster. Invited Keynote Address at the Occupational Injury 96′ Symposium,Sydney,Australia, February.
62) Hancock, P.A. (1996). Stress and performance degradation. Invited Keynote Address at the Second Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference,Cocoa Beach,FL, March.
63) Scallen, S., Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. (1996). Evaluating pilot decision making in a semi-automated commercial cockpit: A multi-faceted approach. Paper presented at the Second Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference,Cocoa Beach,FL, March.
64) Smith, K.C.S., Lewin, J.E.K., & Hancock, P.A. (1996). The invariant that drives conflict detection. Paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics.Stratford,England. October.
65) Klinge, J., Smith, K., Scallen, S., & Hancock, P.A. (1997). TheUniversityofMinnesotadistributed air traffic information display simulator. Paper presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April,Columbus,OH.
66) Scallen, S., & Hancock, P.A. (1997). Pilot decision making in free flight: The impact of color coded traffic displays. Paper presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April,Columbus,OH.
67) Knecht, W.R., & Hancock, P.A. (1997). Modeling airspace collision risk. Paper presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April,Columbus,OH.
68) Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. (1997). All you need is heed. Paper presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April,Columbus,OH.
69) Hancock, P.A. (1997). Hours of boredom, moments of terror, – or months of monotony, milliseconds of mayhem. Paper presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April,Columbus,OH.
70) Scallen, S., & Hancock, P.A. (1997). Performance effects of adaptive automation and part-task automation in a high fidelity multi-task environment. Paper presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, April,Columbus,OH.
71) Desmond, P.A., Matthews, G., & Hancock, P.A. Dimensions of subjective fatigue states in driving. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety,Annecy,France, September, 1997.
72) Desmond, P.A., Matthews, G., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of motivational and perceptual-based interventions on fatigue-related decrements in simulated driving performance. Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on Vision in Vehicles.Marseilles,France, September, 1997.
73) Manser, M.P., & Hancock, P.A. The influence of external visual stimuli and internal factors on the ability to accurately estimate imminent collision. Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on Vision in Vehicles.Marseilles,France, September, 1997.
74) Manser, M.P., Carmody, J., & Hancock, P.A. The role of environmental stimuli on driver’s ability to maintain a constant velocity through restricted environments. Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on Vision in Vehicles.Marseilles,France, September, 1997.
75) Hancock, P.A. Research challenges in human-machine systems. Panel Paper presented at the International Symposium on Human-Machine Systems, in Honor of the Career of Professor Thomas B. Sheridan. MIT, December, 1997.
76) Desmond, P.A., Matthews, G., & Hancock, P.A. Subjective symptoms of driving fatigue. Paper presented at the 24th International Congress of Applied Psychology,San Francisco,CA, August, 1998.
77) deRidder, S.M., Scallen, S., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of roadway design on driver behavior:Minnesotacase studies. Paper presented at the Tenth Internal Conference on Perception and Action.Edinburgh,Scotland, August, 1999.
78) Manser, M.P., & Hancock, P.A. Approaching object occlusion as a salient source of time-to-contact information. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Vision in Vehicles,Boston,MA, August, 1999.
79) Manser, M.P., & Hancock, P.A. The ecological validity paradox in visual perception research. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Vision in Vehicles,Boston,MA, August, 1999.
80) Hancock, P.A., & deRidder, S. Driver performance in collision-likely conditions. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Vision in Vehicles,Boston,MA, August, 1999.
81) Hancock, P.A., de Ridder, S.N.,Hammond, C., & Wade, M.G. Visualization and accident research. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Performance,WarnerSprings, CA March, 2000.
82) Smith, K.C.S., & Hancock, P.A. Traffic maneuverability and cockpit display characteristics determine whether commercial airline pilots can maintain self-separation in realistic scenarios of en-route flight. Paper submitted for the 10th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics.Linkoping,Sweden, August, 2000.
83) Hancock, P.A. A stranger in paradigms. Keynote Address to the 14th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and the 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Diego, CA, August, 2000.
84) Chihak, B., Harder, K., Scallen, S.F., & Hancock, P.A. Educational outreach: What is human factors? Paper presented at the 14th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and the 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Diego,CA, August, 2000.
85). Hancock, P.A., Wilson, J., Sheridan, T., & Moray, N. Ergonomics and Human Factors differ either side of the Atlantic. Debate presented at the 14th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and the 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Diego,CA, August, 2000.
86). Hancock, P.A. Neville Peter Moray (Moratinis) – Scholar and Gentleman. A Tribute to Neville Moray presented at 14th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and the 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Diego,CA, August, 2000.
87) Hancock, P.A. What work may come. Paper presented at the 14th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and the 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Diego,CA, August, 2000.
88) de Ridder, S.N., & Hancock, P.A. Driver interaction in a shared simulated environment. Paper Presented at the DSC Driving Simulation Conference,Paris,France, September, 2000.
89) Hancock, P.A. Motorcycles in Intelligent Transportation Systems. Paper Presented at the Third International Rider’s Public Policy Conference of the federation Internationale de Motocyclisme,Pickerington,OH, April, 2001.
90) Hancock, P.A. The ergonomics of torture. Paper presented at the International Studies Summer Institute,Orlando,FL, April, 2001. (Winner of the Best Paper Award).
91) Hancock, P.A., Lesch, M., Simmons, L., & Mouloua, M. Distraction effects of phone use during a crucial driving maneuver. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Human Factors in Driving Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design.Aspen,Colorado, August, 2001.
92) Jerome, C.J., Ganey, H.C.N., Commaford, P., Oakley, B., Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P.A. Evaluating the presence of in-vehicle devices on driver performance: Methodological issues. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Human Factors in Driving Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design.Aspen,Colorado, August, 2001. (Winner of the Best Student Paper Award).
93) Edwards, M.,Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Abdel-Aty, M., & Rinalducci, E. The driver distraction protocol. Paper presented at the AIT/FIA Telematics General Assembly Meeting,Cologne,Germany, October. 2001.
94)Mouloua, M. Hancock, P.A., Edwards, M.L., Smither, J., Rinalducci, E., & Abdel-Aty, M. Effects of Telematics on Driver Distraction. Paper presented at the AAA Meeting inBarcelona,Spain, April. 2002.
95) Hancock, P.A. The globalization of time. Paper presented at the International Studies Summer Institute,Orlando,FL, May, 2002.
(Winner of the Best Paper Award).
96) Mouloua, M., Rinalducci, E., Hancock, P., E., & Helmick, J. (2002c). Driver Distraction and Workload: A Protocol Development and Experimental Analysis. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the AIT/FIA.Barcelona,Spain.July 3, 2002.
97) Hancock, P.A., Lesch, M., Simmons, L., Smither, J., &Mouloua, M. (2002). In-vehicle phone use erodes the margin of driving safety especially for older drivers. Paper presented at the 2002 Congress on Gerontechnology,Miami Beach,FL, November.
98) Hancock, P.A., & Diaz, D.D. The interaction of sex and circadian rhythm on cognitive performance. Paper presented at the 5th International Lighting Research Symposium,Orlando,FL, November, 2002.
99) Weaver, J.L., Bradley, K.A., & Hancock, P.A. Skills, rules, and knowledge: An experimental test of performance decrements as a function of stressor exposure. Paper presented at the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology,Dayton,OH, April, 2003.
100) Hancock, P.A., Brill, J.C., Mouloua, M., Kennedy, R.S., & Gilson, R.D. M-SWAP: On-line workload assessment in aviation. Paper presented at the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology,Dayton,OH, April, 2003.
101) Hancock, P.A., Ganey, H.C.N.,Mouloua, M., & Smither, J.A. (2003). Why is it so hard to say whether cell phone use in cars is safe or not? Paper presented at the Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,Seoul,Korea, August.
102) Ward, P., Hancock, P.A., Ganey, H.C.N.,Mouloua, M., & Szalma, J.L. (2003). The task of modeling driver performance. Paper presented at the Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,Seoul,Korea, August.
103) Hancock, P.A., Ganey, H.C.N., & Szalma, J.L. (2003). Stress and performance: Contrasting different descriptive relationships. Paper presented at the Congress of the International Ergonomics Association,Seoul,Korea, August.
104) Mouloua, M., Rinalducci, E.J., Hancock, P.A., & Alberti, N. (2003). Effects of telematics on driver distraction: An experimental analysis. Paper presented at the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services,Madrid,Spain.
105) Stafford, S.C., Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., Delosantos, K., & Hancock, P.A. (2004). Attitudes of police officers toward seat belt use while on duty. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference in Traffic and Transport Psychology, Nottingham, England.
106) Koltko-Rivera, M.E., & Hancock, P.A. (2004). Psychological strategies for the defence against terrorism. Paper presented at the NATO RTO SCI Symposium on “Systems, Concepts and Integration (SCI) Methods and Technologies for Defense Against Terrorism,”London,United Kingdom, October 2004.
107) Hancock, P.A., Szalma, J.L., & Oron-Gilad, T. Time, emotion, and the dynamics of information processing in individuals and the organizations they form. Paper presented at the Eighth International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and management.Maui,Hawaii, June, 2005.
108) Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., Thropp, J.E., & Hancock, P.A. (2005). Incorporating individual differences into the adaptive automation paradigm. Paper presented at the Eighth International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and management.Maui,Hawaii, June, 2005.
109) Szalma, J.L., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock. P.A. (2005). Individual differences in workload, stress, and coping in police officers engaged in shooting tasks. Paper presented at the Eighth International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and management.Maui,Hawaii, June, 2005.
110) Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. Roadenvironment and driver fatigue. Paper presented at the 3rdInternational Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driving Assessment, Training, and vehicle Design,Rockport,ME, June, 2005.
111) Downs, J., Oron-Gilad, T., Hancock, P.A., & Gilson, R.D. Vibrotactile guidance cues for target identification. Paper presented at the 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics,Orlando,FL July, 2005.
112) Goldiez, B.F., Ahmad, A.M., Stanney, K.M., Hancock, P.A., & Dawson, J.W. Augmented Reality as a human computer interaction device for augmented cognition. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction ,Las Vegas,NV, July, 2005.
113) Warm, J.S., Matthews, G., Tripp, L., & Hancock, P.A. Cerebral hemodynamics and brain systems in vigilance. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction ,Las Vegas,NV, July, 2005.
114) Hancock, P. A., Szalma, J.L., & Oron-Gilad, T. Operator performance under stress. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction ,Las Vegas,NV, July, 2005.
115) Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Fuzzy signal detection theory and human performance: A review of empirical evidence for model validity. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Sheffield,England, November, 2006.
116) Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Understanding performance, workload, and stress: Anindividual differences perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Sheffield,England, November, 2006.
117) Hancock, P.A. The future of human-machine symbiosis. Workshop presented to the Swedish Human Factors Network,Linkoping, University,Linkoping,Sweden, March, 2007.
118) Block, R., Hancock, P.A., & Zakay, D. Cognitive Workload Affects Duration Judgments: Meta-Analytic Evidence. Paper to be presented at the Canadian Society for Brain, behavior and Cognitive Science, 17th Annual Meeting,Victoria,BC,Canada, June, 2007.
119) Hancock, P.A. The battle for time in the brain: Evolutionary constraints on brain mechanisms of temporal experience. Paper presented at the 13th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time, Asilomar,,Monterey,CA, July, 2007.
120) Fatolitis, P.G., & Hancock, P.A. Augmented cognition and chronometric data: Physical vs. psychological time. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Augmented Cognition.Baltimore,MD, October, 2007.
121)Merlo, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Concurrent tactile and visual signalling. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Human Performance,Orlando,FL, March, 2008.
122) Morgan, J.F., & Hancock, P.A. Workload transitions and hysteresis in driving. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Human Performance,Orlando,FL, March, 2008.
123) Hancock, P.A., &Merlo, J.L. Cross-modal congruency benefits for tactile and visual signalling. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ergonomics Society,Nottingham,England, April, 2008.
124) McGinn, G.H., Weaver, N.E., McDonald, D.M., van Driel, M., & Hancock, P.A. (2008). Strategic perspectives on developing language, regional and cultural capabilities. Paper presented at the NATO Conference on Adaptability in Coalition Teamwork.CopenhagenDenmark, April 2008
125) Van Driel, M., McDonald, D. Crepeau, L.J., Parks, K., Marcum, R., McGuire, W.G. Szalma, & Hancock, P.A. Cultural competencies for Global Collaboration. Paper presented at the XIXth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology,Bremen,Germany, July, 2008.
126) Manser, M.P., & Hancock, P.A. Visual pattern and texture as visual cues for lane keeping ability. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Washington, DC. August, 2008.
127) Morgan, J., & Hancock, P.A. Visual occlusion and temporary work zone Incursions. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Washington, DC. August, 2008.
128) Stearman, E.J., Morgan, J.F., Leonard, S.D., Hancock, P.A., & Garcia, A.J. Enhancement of signal light stimuli may improve responses. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Occupational Ergonomics & Safety. Dallas, TX, June, 2009.
129) Hancock, P.A. On the nature of distraction: Driving beyond the biases of hindsight. Plenary Keynote Presentation at the First International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention. Gothenburg, Sweden, September, 2009.
130) Hancock, P.A. Considering counter-measures to driver distraction. Panel Member Presentation at the First International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention. Gothenburg, Sweden, September, 2009.
131) Whitmire, J.D., Oron-Gilad, T., Morgan, J.F.,Kincaid, J.P.& Hancock, P.A. The effect of in-vehicle warning systems on speed compliance in work zones. European Conference on Human Centered Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Berlin Germany, April, 2010.
132) Merlo, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Pre-motor response time benefits in multi-modal displays. 1st International Conference on Neuroergonomics at the Third International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Miami, July, 2010.
133) Kim, J., & Hancock, P.A. Modeling performance under stress and fatigue: What can a cognitive modeling approach tell us? 1st International Conference on Neuroergonomics at the Third International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Miami, July, 2010.
134) Hancock, P.A., Hancock, G.M., & Keellings, D.J. Assessing the future time of your life. Fourteenth Triennial Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time, Monte Verde, Costa Rica, July, 2010. (Poster presented by Courtesy of Paul Harris following the accident of Professor Hancock).
135) Hancock, P.A. Stress and workload in aviation. Invited Plenary Address to the 5th International Summer School on Aviation Psychology, Graz, Austria, July, 2011.
136) Hancock, P.A. Critical psychological states in aviation. Response Seminar presented at the 5th International Summer School on Aviation Psychology, Graz, Austria, July, 2011.
137) Hancock, P.A., Billings, D.R., & Oleson, K.E. Influential factors in the development of human-robot team trust. Paper presented at the 5th International Summer School on Aviation Psychology, Graz, Austria, July, 2011.
138) Sawyer, B.D., & Hancock, P.A. Assisted entry mitigates text messaging-based driving detriment. Paper Presented at the 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, February, 2012.
139) Sawyer, B.D., Hancock, P.A., Deaton, J., & Suedfeld, P. Finding the team for Mars: A psychological and human factors analysis of a Mars Desert Research Station crew. Paper Presented at the 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, February, 2012.
140) Oppold, P., Rupp, M., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., & Martin, K. Design considerations to improve cognitive ergonomic issues of unmanned vehicle interfaces utilizing video game controllers. Paper Presented at the 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, February, 2012.
141) Hancock, G.M., Hancock, P.A., & Janelle, C.M. The impact of emotions and predominant emotion regulation technique on driving performance. Paper Presented at the 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, February, 2012.
142) Fok, A., Sawyer, B., Hancock, P.A., & Mouloua, M. An evaluation of keyboard interface types on driver distraction. Paper Presented at the 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, February, 2012.
National Academic Meetings
1) Milner, E.K., & Hancock, P.A. Evaluation of the affective domain in relation to selected physical and social concepts of high school students attending the Florida Environmental Studies Program. Paper presented at the 96th Annual National and Midwest Convention of AAHPERD,Detroit,MI, April, 1980.
2) Hancock, P.A., & Newell, K.M. A space-time description of the speed accuracy trade-off. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of NASPSPA,Boulder, CO, May, 1980.
3) Hancock, P.A. A rationale for cardio-vascular endurance training in the racquet sport athlete. Paper presented to the International Symposium on the Effective Teaching of Racquet Sports,Champaign,IL, June, 1980.
4) Hancock, P.A. Mental performance impairment in heat stress. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Los Angeles,CA, October, 1980.
5) Hancock, P.A., & Milner, E.K. Underwater manual dexterity in the open ocean. Paper presented at the 97th AAHPERD Research Consortium Annual Meeting,Boston,MA, April, 1981.
6) Hancock, P.A. Apraxic syndromes: Their implications for a theory of action. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of NASPSPA, Asilomar,Monterey,CA, June, 1981,
7) Hancock, P.A. Body temperature regulation during racquet sport competition. Paper presented to the International Symposium on the Effective Teaching of Racquet Sports,Champaign,IL, June, 1981.
8) Hancock, P.A. The heat stress limitations of mental, psychomotor, and dual task performance. Paper presented at the 21st Annual BROUHA Work Physiology Symposium,Cincinnati,OH, September, 1981.
9) Hancock, P.A. The limitation of human performance in extreme heat conditions. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Rochester,NY, October, 1981.
10) Newell, K.M., & Hancock, P.A. Kinematic and kinetic parameters as information feedback in the acquisition of skill. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Rochester,NY, October, 1981.
11) Hancock, P.A. A space-time perspective of speed-accuracy functions. Paper presented in the Symposium, Kinematics and Kinetics of Response Variability at the Annual Conference of NASPSPA.UniversityofMaryland,College Park,MD, May 29-June 1, 1982.
12) Hancock, P.A. Temperature manipulation and human performance efficiency. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual BROUHA Work Physiology Symposium,TexasTechnicalUniversity,Lubbock,TX, September, 1982.
13) Hancock, P.A. Mitigation of performance decrement in transient extreme heat. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Seattle,WA, October, 1982.
14) Hancock, P.A., & Milner, E.K. Manual dexterity task performance efficiency in the open ocean underwater environment. Paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Human Society,Seattle,WA, October, 1982.
15) Newell, K.M., & Hancock, P.A. Space-time movement accuracy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society,Minneapolis,MN, November, 1982.
16) Milner, E.K., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of depth and environment of the capability of the submerged operator. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of AAHPERD,Minneapolis,MN, April, 1983.
17) Hancock, P.A. An endogenous metric for the control of perception of brief temporal intervals. Paper presented to the New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, May, 1983.
18) Hancock, P.A. Variations in environmental temperature and monitoring task performance capability. A review. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association,Philadelphia,PA, May, 1983.
19) Dirkin, G.R., & Hancock, P.A. Attentional narrowing under stress. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of NASPSPA,MichiganStateUniversity,East Lansing,MI, June, 1983.
20) Newell, K.M., & Hancock, P.A. Space-time and motion study. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Norfolk,VA, October, 1983.
21) Catalano, J.F., & Hancock, P.A. The human factors of sport: A review. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Norfolk,VA, October, 1983.
22) Hancock, P.A., & Robertson, M.M. Deep auditory meatus temperature: A biofeedback indicator for the assessment of human mental workload. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Convention of the Biofeedback Society of California,Santa Barbara,CA, November, 1983.
23) Hancock, P.A. Spatio-temporal perspectives on movement accuracy. Paper presented at the Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference,Jackson,WY, January, 1984.
24) Hancock, P.A., & Pierce, J.O. Toward attentional theory of performance under stress: Evidence from studies of vigilance in heat and cold. Paper presented at the First Mid-Central Ergonomics/Human Factors Conference,Cincinnati,OH, April, 1984.
25) Hancock, P.A., & Pierce, J.O. Thermal performance zones. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association,San Diego,CA, May, 1984.
26) Dirkin, G.R., & Hancock, P.A. Attentional narrowing to the visual periphery under temporal and acoustic stress. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association,San Diego,CA, May, 1984.
27) Hancock, P.A., & Pierce, J.O. The combinational effects of noise and heat on performance. Paper presented at the American Industrial Hygiene Association,Detroit,MI, May, 1984.
28) Hancock, P.A. Toward a theory of stress and attention. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Symposium of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Human Factors Society,Burbank,CA, June, 1984.
29) Hancock, P.A.,Carlton, L.G. & Newell, K.M. An analysis of kinetic response variability. Paper presented at the Twentieth Annual Conference on Manual Control,San Jose,CA, June, 1984.
30) Hancock, P.A. Body temperature and information processing capability. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Human Factor Society,San Antonio,TX, October, 1984.
31) Hurt, H.H, Jr., Thom, D.R., & Hancock, P.A. The effect of hand position an motorcycle brake response time. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,San Antonio,TX, October, 1984.
32) Hurt, H.H, Jr., Hancock, P.A., & Thom, D.R. Motorcycle-automobile collision prevention through increased motorcyclist frontal conspicuity. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,San Antonio,TX, October, 1984.
33) Hancock, P.A. Stress effects on aircrew: Indications for design and work-practice change. Paper presented at the International Aircraft Cabin Safety Symposium,Palm Springs,CA, February, 1985.
34) Hancock, P.A., Pierce, J.O., & Chignell, M.H. Maximal adaptability and the setting of stress tolerance standards. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association,Las Vegas,NV, May, 1985.
35) Hancock, P.A., & Chignell, M.H. The principle of maximal adaptability in setting stress tolerance standards. Paper presented at the Second Annual Mid-West Ergonomics/Human Factors Meeting,West Lafayette,IN, June, 1985.
36) Chignell, M.H., & Hancock, P.A. Knowledge-based load leveling and task allocation in human-machine systems. Paper presented at the Twenty-first Annual Conference on Manual Control,Columbus,OH, June, 1985.
37) Hancock, P.A., & Chignell, M.H. The effects of stress on attentional resources. Paper presented at the Twenty-first Annual Conference on Manual Control,Columbus,OH, June 1985.
38) Chignell, M.H., & Hancock, P.A. Strategies for real-time task allocation—in human-machine systems. Paper presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Southern California Chapter of the Human Factors Society,Los Angeles,CA, June, 1985.
39) Hancock, P.A., & Chignell, M.H. A theory of stress and attention. Paper presented at the Symposium on Applications of Automatic and Controlled Information Processing Theory to Engineering Psychology, Division 21 Engineering Psychology American Psychological Association Convention,Los Angeles,CA, August, 1985.
40) Thom, D.R., Arao, H.G., & Hancock, P.A. Hand position and motorcycle front brake response time. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Baltimore,MD, October, 1985.
41) Hancock, P.A., Stout, J.H., Medieros, B.,Rosenberg, S., Kofler, R. Development of workstation design criteria for current office environments. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Baltimore,MD, October, 1985.
42) Hancock, P.A., & Behnke, A.A. Zonal differentiation of performance under heat stress. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Baltimore,MD, October, 1985.
43) Hancock, P.A., Chignell, M.H., & Loewenthal, A. An adaptive human-machine system. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the IEEE on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,Tucson,AZ, November, 1985.
44) Chignell, M.H., Loewenthal, A., & Hancock, P.A. Intelligence interface design. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the IEEE on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,Tucson,AZ, November, 1985.
45) Loewenthal, A., Chignell, M.H., & Hancock, P.A. Use of mental workload measures in interface design. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the IEEE on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,Tucson,AZ, November, 1985.
46) Hancock, P.A. The impact of training on mental workload. Paper presented as part of Workshop on Training and Workload to the Eighth Annual Carmel Conference,Carmel,CA, January, 1986.
47) Hancock, P.A. Human factors issues in shiftwork and circadian rhythms. Paper presented at the Third Annual Symposium on Aircraft Cabin Safety,Anaheim,CA, January, 1986.
48) Hancock, P.A., & Chignell, M.H. Input information requirements for an adaptive human-machine system. Paper presented at the Tenth Symposium on Psychology in the Department of Defense,Colorado Springs, CO, April, 1986.
49) Chignell, M.H., & Hancock, P.A. Horn clause representation in human-machine systems with adaptive control. Paper presented at the Annual International Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference,Louisville,KY, June, 1986.
50) Hancock, P.A. A triumvirate description and theory of the action of stress upon human performance. Substituted paper presented at the Third Mid-Central Ergonomics/Human Factors Conference,Oxford,OH, June, 1986.
51) Hancock, P.A. An overview of ergonomics. Paper presented at the Third Mid-Central Ergonomics/Human Factors Conference,Oxford,OH, June, 1986.
52) Chignell, M.H., & Hancock, P.A. Integration of the cognitive and physical aspects of the human-machine interface. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Dayton,OH, September, 1986.
53) Hancock, P.A. The role of communication in organizational design and management. Section presented at the Workshop on Organizational Design and Management (Chair: G. Galloway), Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Dayton,OH, September, 1986.
54) Chignell, M.H., Hancock, P.A., Smith, P.J., & Shute, S.J. Information retrieval: An intelligent interface perspective. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,Atlanta,GA, October, 1986.
55) Hancock, P.A., & Chignell, M.H. Toward a theory of mental workload: Stress and adaptability in human-machine systems. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,Atlanta,GA, October, 1986.
56) Hancock, P.A. The role of temporal factors in workload prediction. Paper presented at the International Meeting of the IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,Atlanta,GA, October, 1986.
57) Hancock, P.A. Stress and work efficiency. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Los Angeles Section of the Human Factors Society, Los Angeles, CA, December, 1986.
58) Hancock P.A. The integration of Human Factors, Ergonomics and Industrial Hygiene. Paper presented at the Yuma Pacific South-West Section Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Oxnard, CA, February, 1987.
59) Hancock, P.A., & Pierce, J.O. Understanding and coping with heat stress limitations in the use of semi-permeable and impermeable garments. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Montreal, Canada, May, 1987.
60) Hancock, P.A. The effect of time of day upon the subjective estimate of workload during the performance of a simple task. Paper presented at the Fourth Mid-Central Ergonomics/Human Factors Conference, Champaign, IL, July, 1987.
61) Hancock, P.A. Management factors in fitness for duty. Paper presented at the 1987 Meeting of the Society for Automotive Engineers, Aerospace Technology Conference, Long Beach, CA, October, 1987.
62) Hancock, P.A. Gender differences in reactions to occupational stress in the working environment. Paper presented at the Yuma Pacific South-West Section Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association,San Diego,CA, February, 1988.
63) Hancock, P.A. Job-related stressors, adaptive systems, and intelligent interfaces. Paper presented at the Conference on Facilities 2000: Education and Research Imperatives for Workplaces of the Twenty-First Century.GrandValleyStateUniversity,Grand RapidsMI, April, 1988.
64) Hancock, P.A., Pierce, J.O., & Vercruyssen, M. Heat stress and occupational accidents: An evaluative synthesis of experimental evidence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association,San Francisco,CA, May 1988.
65) Vercruyssen, M., Hancock, P.A., Ynclino, V., McDowd, J.M., & Birren, J.E. Human attention: Implications for health and safety. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association,San Francisco,CA, May, 1988.
66) Vercruyssen, M., Sever, S., & Hancock, P. A. Effects of breathing elevated levels of carbon dioxide on CNS function. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association,San Francisco,CA, May, 1988.
67) Hancock, P.A. Stress and performance efficiency. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of NASPSPA,Knoxville,TN, June, 1988.
68) Mihaly, T., Hancock, P.A., Vercruyssen, M., & Rahimi, M. Time estimation performance before, during and after physical activity. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Anaheim,CA, October, 1988.
69) Vercruyssen, M., Cann, M.T., McDowd, J.M., Birren, J.E., Carlton, B.L., Burton, J., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of age, gender, activation, stimulus degradation and practice on attention and visual choice reaction time. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Anaheim,CA, October, 1988.
70) Hancock, P.A., Rodenburg, G.J., Mathews, W.D., & Vercruyssen, M. Estimation of duration and mental workload at differing times of day by males and females. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Anaheim,CA, October, 1988.
71) Gluckman, J.P., Warm, J.S., Dember, W.N., Thiemann, J.A., & Hancock, P.A. Subjective workload in simultaneous and successive vigilance tasks. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society,Chicago,Il, November, 1988.
72) Hancock, P.A., Diggles, V.A., & Wulf, G. Physical activity in context: Industrial and military perspectives. Paper presented at the Big Ten CIC Leadership Symposium,Chicago,IL, December, 1988.
73) Hancock, P.A., & Pierce, J.O. Integrating signal detection theory and catastrophe theory as an approach to the quantification of human error. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Association,St. Louis,MO, May, 1989.
74) Hancock, P.A., & Pierce, J.O. Toward a theory of tasks and displays. Paper presented at the Conference on Work with Displays Units II,Montreal,Canada, May, 1989.
75) Hancock, P.A., & Salmon, P. Music of the spheres: Applications of MIDI technology to the musical display of information. Paper presented at the Conference on Work with Displays Units II,Montreal,Canada. May, 1989.
76) Becker, A.B., Gluckman, J.P., Warm, J.S., Dember, W.N., & Hancock, P.A. Subjective workload in dual task monitoring. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Denver, CO, October, 1989.
77) Wulf, G., Hancock, P.A., & Rahimi, M. Some causes of automobile-motorcycle collisions. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Denver, CO, October, 1989.
78) Hancock, P.A., Wulf, G., Thom, D.R., & Fassnacht, P. Contrasting driver behavior during turns and straight driving. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Denver, CO, October, 1989
79) Hancock, P.A., Robinson, M.A.,Chu, A.L., Hansen, D.R., Vercruyssen, M., Grose, E., & Fisk, A.D. The effects of practice on tracking and subjective workload. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Denver, CO, October, 1989.
80) Vercruyssen, M., Cann, M.T., & Hancock, P.A. Gender differences in posture effects on cognition. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Denver, CO, October, 1989
81) Hancock, P.A., Chignell, M.H., Vercruyssen, M., & Denhoff, M. Experimental evaluations of a model of mental workload. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Denver, CO, October, 1989.
82) Cann, M.T., Vercruyssen, M., & Hancock, P.A. Gender and task loading effects on cognition. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Los Angeles Section of the Human Factors Society, Los Angeles, CA, November, 1989.
83) Chignell, M.H., & Hancock, P.A. The operator as a purposive system: A new approach to human factors. Paper presented at the Annual IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Meeting, Boston, MA, November, 1989.
84) Hurt, H.H., Jr. (Presented by Hancock, P.A.). Measuring the conspicuity of motorcycles through the eyes of other drivers. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C, January, 1990.
85) Hancock, P.A. Human factors issues in intelligent highway vehicle systems as applied to older drivers. Invited paper given at the Government/Industry Meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Washington, D.C. May, 1990.
86) White, H.G., Hancock, P.A., & Caird, J.K. The mistakes of older drivers. Paper presented at the Fifth Mid-Central Ergonomics/ Human Factors Conference. Dayton, OH, May, 1990.
87) Caird, J.K., Hancock, P.A., Johnson, S., & White, H.G. Construction of a facility for multiple vehicle simulation. Paper presented at the Fifth Mid-Central Ergonomics/ Human Factors Conference. Dayton, OH, May, 1990.
88) Simons, K.G., Gluckman, J.P., Warm, J.S., Dember, W.N., Hancock, P.A., & Jackson, J.L. The rate of gain of workload in sustained attention: Methodological and task factors. Paper presented at the Fifth Mid-Central Ergonomics/ Human Factors Conference. Dayton, OH, May, 1990.
89) Hancock, P.A., & Pierce, J.O. A lawful description relating heat stress exposure to worker performance degradation. Paper presented at the 48th Meeting of the American Industrial Hygiene Conference, Orlando, FL, May, 1990.
90) Hancock, P.A. Perception/action and the control of self-motion in vehicles. Paper presented at the Workshop, The Control of Self-Motion: Methodological Issues. Wright State University, Dayton, OH, August, 1990.
91) Hancock, P.A., Caird, J.K., & Parasuraman, R. Predicting the effects of interactive stresses on operator performance during long-duration space operations. Paper presented at the AIAA Conference on Space Programs and Technologies, Huntsville, AL, September, 1990.
92) Hancock, P.A., Chignell, M.H., & Carter, J.L. Evaluating the effects of adaptation. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Orlando, FL, October, 1990.
93) Cann, M.T., Vercruyssen, M., & Hancock, P.A. Age and the elderly internal clock: Further evidence for a fundamentally slowed CNS. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Orlando, FL, October, 1990.
94) Fozard, J.L., Vercruyssen, M., Reynolds, S.L., & Hancock, P.A. Longitudinal analysis of age-related slowing: BLSA reaction time data. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Orlando, FL, October, 1990.
95) Hancock, P.A. Goals, tasks, and actions: Strategies, choices, and constraints in the behavior of human operators. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Orlando, FL, October, 1990.
96) Hancock, P.A., Chignell, M.H., & Vercruyssen, M. Predicting the effects of stress on performance. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Orlando, FL, October, 1990.
97) Caird, J.K., Hancock, P.A., Wade, M.G., & Vercruyssen, M. Workload and strategic adaptation under transformations of visual-coordinative mappings. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Orlando, FL, October, 1990.
98) Hancock, P.A. Uses of simulation in understanding human performance in the control of complex vehicles. Paper presented at the California DMV/TRB Conference on Driver Competency. San Diego, CA, October, 1990.
99) Hancock, P.A. On operator strategic behavior. Paper presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH. April-May, 1991.
100) Hancock, P.A., Caird, J.K., Shekhar, S., Yang, A., Coyle, M., Shargal, M., & Johnson, S. The left-turn. Paper Presented at the Second Annual Transportation Research Conference, St. Paul, MN, May, 1991.
101) Caird, J.K., & Hancock, P.A. Is turning left while driving like deliberately missing a ball? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of NASPSPA, The North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Asilomar, CA, June, 1991.
102) Holland, F.G., & Hancock, P.A. The inverted-U: A paradigm in chaos. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of NASPSPA, The North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Asilomar, CA, June, 1991.
103) Sullivan, T.E., Warm, J.S., Schefft, B.K., Dember, W.M., Seaman, K.G., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of spatial uncertainty on perceived workload in the vigilance performance of high and low resourceful individuals. Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, GA, 1991.
104) Becker, A.B. Warm, J.S., Dember, W.N., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of feedback on perceived workload in vigilance performance. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 1991.
105) Warm, J.S., Dember, W.N., Gluckman, J.P., & Hancock, P.A. Vigilance and workload. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 1991.
106) Hancock, P.A., Caird, J.K., Shehkar, S., & Vercruyssen, M. Factors influencing drivers’ left-turn decisions. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 1991.
107) Caird, J.K., & Hancock, P.A. Perceived spatial layout of a simulated scene as a function of experience. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 1991.
108) Harris, W.C., Hancock, P.A., Arthur, E., & Caird, J.K. Automation influences on performance, workload and fatigue. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 1991.
109) Hancock, P.A. Where older drivers make mistakes. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA, November, 1991.
110) Becker, A.B., Warm, J.S., Dember, W.N., Sparnall, J., DeRonde, L., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of aircraft noise on performance efficiency and perceived workload in a vigilance task. Paper presented at the Eighty-Four Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Memphis, TN, April, 1992.
111) Hancock, P.A., Caird, J.K., Shekhar, S., Stackhouse, S., Coyle, M., Shargal, M., Kozak, J., Rausch., R., Harris, W., & Arthur, E. Human factors in IVHS. Paper presented at the Third Annual University of Minnesota Transportation Research Conference, St. Paul, MN, May, 1992.
112) Shekhar, S., Yang, A., & Hancock, P.A. Evaluation of relational databases for advanced driver information systems. Paper presented at the Third Annual University of Minnesota Transportation Research Conference, St. Paul, MN, May, 1992.
113) Stackhouse, S., Shekhar, S., & Hancock, P.A. Guidestar architecture. Paper presented at the Third Annual University of Minnesota Transportation Research Conference, St. Paul, MN, May, 1992.
114) Hancock, P.A. Laws of Stress Exposure: Thermal conditions. Paper presented at the 1st Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Chicago, IL, May, 1992.
115) Hancock, P.A. On the nature of cooperation in hybrid human-machine systems. Paper presented at the NASA/FAA Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Human Factors in Air Traffic Control and Aviation Maintenance, Daytona Beach, FL, June, 1992.
116) Harris, W.C., Hancock, P.A., Arthur, E., Caird, J.K., & Pithan, C.J. Performance, workload, and fatigue associated with automation. Paper presented at the Centennial Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August, 1992.
117) Caird, J.K., & Hancock, P.A. Perception of oncoming vehicles time to arrival. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Atlanta, GA, October, 1992.
118) Miyake, S., Hancock, P.A., & Manning, C.M. Effects of prior task load level on subsequent workload and performance. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Atlanta, GA, October, 1992.
119) Caird, J.K., Hancock, P.A., Kozak, J.J., Arthur, E.J., & Manning, C.M. The human factors of virtual reality: Grasping and presence. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Atlanta, GA, October, 1992.
120) Hancock, P.A., & Caird, J.K. Factors influencing older drivers’ left turn decisions. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Atlanta, GA, October, 1992.
121) Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. Managing risk under time stress. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Atlanta, GA, October, 1992.
122) Becker, A.B., Warm, J.S., Dember, W.N., Sparnall, J.A., DeRonde, L., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of aircraft noise on vigilance performance and perceived workload. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Atlanta, GA, October, 1992.
123) Hancock, P.A. The natural philosophy of human factors. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Atlanta, GA, October, 1992.
124) Flach, J.M., & Hancock, P.A. An ecological approach to human-machine systems. Symposium presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Atlanta,GA, October, 1992.
125) Hancock, P.A. Nulla in verba: The future of Kinesiology. Paper presented at the Big Ten CIC Symposium, Capstone Experiences in Kinesiology,UniversityofMichigan,Ann Arbor,MI, November, 1992.
126) Hancock, P.A., & Caird, J.K. Factors involved in older drivers’ left-turn decisions. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,Washington,D.C.January, 1993.
127) Hancock, P.A., Chrysler, S., & Stackhouse, S. A simulation study to measure driving performance decrement due to the interaction of driving and non-driving tasks. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of IVHS America,Washington,D.C., April, 1993.
128) Hancock, P.A., & Dewing, W. A driver-centered systems architecture for Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Transportation Research Conference,Minneapolis,MN, May, 1993.
129) Hancock, P.A., Arthur, E.J., & Andre, A.D. Learning in virtual environments. Paper presented at the NASPSPA Meeting, Cragun’s, Brainerd, MN, June, 1993.
130) Rausch, R.J., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of age, sex, and handedness on the perception of time. Paper presented at the NASPSPA Meeting, Cragun’s, Brainerd, MN, June, 1993.
131) Hancock, P.A. Understanding the effects of stress and individual differences. In response to the Papers of P. Ackerman and R. Kanfer. Presented at the NASPSPA Meeting, Cragun’s,Brainerd,MN, June, 1993.
132) Diaz-Lane, K., & Hancock, P.A. (1993). Perceived distance over a planar surface in a virtual environment. Paper presented at the Meeting of the McNair Scholars Program, Minneapolis, MN.
133) Hancock, P.A. Supersimulation: The future of practical simulation research. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
134) Dember, W.N., Warm, J.S., Nelson, W.T., Simmons, KG., Hancock, P.A., & Gluckman, J.P. The rate of gain of perceived workload in sustained attention. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
135) Arthur, E.J., Hancock, P.A., & Chrysler, S.T. Spatial orientation in real and virtual worlds. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
136) Chrysler, S.T., & Hancock, P.A. Attentional demands of in-vehicle technology. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
137) Dewing, W., Duley, J.A., & Hancock, P.A. The role of vehicle type, velocity, and gap size on drivers’ left-turn decisions. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
138) Hancock, P.A., & Scallen, S.F. Initiation and cessation of automation: Location versus configuration change. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
139) Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. Situation awareness explained. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
140) Harris, W.C., Goernert, P.N., Hancock, P.A., & Arthur, E.J. Comparative effectiveness of adaptive automation and operator initiated automation during anticipated and unanticipated taskload increases. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
141) Caird, J.K., & Hancock, P.A. The perception of virtual and real grasp extent. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
142) Evaristo, R., & Hancock, P.A. Information attributes in high information content tasks: Impact on perceived mental workload. Paper Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Seattle, WA, October, 1993.
143) Vercruyssen, M., Welford, A.T., Brogmus, G.E., Fozard, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Age changes in movement time and Fitts’ law. Paper presented at the Cognitive Aging Conference, Atlanta, GA, April, 1994.
144) Harwood, K., Smith, K., Olson, W., & Hancock, P.A. Shared decision making in the National Airspace system: Flightdeck-ATC integration. Paper presented at the Symposium on Psychology in the Department of Defense. Colorado Springs, CO, April, 1994.
145) Hamilton, S.L., Warm, J.S., Dember, W.N., Rosa, R.R., & Hancock, P.A. Vigilance performance and stress in evening type individuals. paper presented at the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Atlanta, April, 1994.
146) Harris, W.C., Goernert, P.N., Hancock, P.A., & Arthur, E. The comparative effectiveness of system and operator evoked automation as a function of the presence of task load increase. Paper presented at the First Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference. Washington, D.C., April, 1994.
147) Duley, J., Scallen, S., & Hancock, P.A. The response of experienced pilots to interface configuration changes for adaptive allocation. Paper presented at the First Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference. Washington, D.C., April, 1994.
148) Scallen, S., Duley, J., & Hancock, P.A. Pilot performance and preference for cycles of automation in adaptive function allocation. Paper presented at the First Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference. Washington, D.C., April, 1994.
149) Hancock, P.A. On humans and automated machines. Paper presented at the First Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference. Washington, D.C., April, 1994.
150) Hancock, P.A., Automated collision-avoidance systems for ITS. Paper presented at the First Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference. Washington, D.C., April, 1994.
151) Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. The risk space in commercial aviation. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Transportation Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1994.
152) Duley, J., Scallen., & Hancock, P.A. Automation and pilot performance. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Transportation Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1994.
153) Williams, G., & Hancock, P.A. An integrated user-centered system architecture for in-car traffic information systems. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Transportation Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1994.
154) Dewing, W., Stackhouse, S., & Hancock, P.A. Willingness of travelers to accept information and advice based on structure, timeliness, mode of presentation and travelers’ past experience with traffic advisories. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Transportation Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1994.
155) Carmody, J., Hancock, P.A., & Vercruyssen, M. Human factors and interior design in enclosed roadways. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Transportation Research Conference,Minneapolis,MN, May, 1994.
156) Ly, T., & Hancock, P.A. Virtual reality: Believe it or not. Paper presented at the Meeting of the McNair Scholars Program,Minneapolis,MN, August, 1994.
157) Neal, S., & Hancock, P.A. The internal body clock. Paper presented at the Meeting of the McNair Scholars Program,Minneapolis,MN, August, 1994.
158) Caird, J.K, & Hancock, P.A. The effect of static and dynamic whole-hand gestures on the perception of grasped size in a virtual environment. Paper presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society,Nashville,TN, October, 1994.
159) Vasmatzidis,I., Schlegel, R.E., Purswell, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Cognitive resource depletion under heat stress. Paper presented at the Konz/Purswell Ergonomics Symposium,TexasTechUniversity,Lubbock,TX, April, 1995.
160) Manser, M.P., Hancock, P.A., Olufinboba, O., & Schreffler, T. Programmatic description of a high-fidelity wrap around driving simulator. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Transportation Research Conference,Minneapolis,MN, May, 1995.
161) Manser, M.P., & Hancock, P.A. The ecological optic approach for specifying time-to-contact information. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Transportation Research Conference,Minneapolis,MN, May, 1995.
162) Scallen, S.F., Hancock, P.A., & Duley, J. The control of automation invocation in an adaptive automation context. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Transportation Research Conference,Minneapolis,MN, May, 1995.
163) Wagner, D.G., Vercruyssen, M., Hancock, P.A., Williams, G., & Briggs, A. The evaluation of message content of changeable message signs. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Transportation Research Conference,Minneapolis,MN, May, 1995.
164) Smith, K., Scallen, S.F., Briggs, A., Knecht, W., & Hancock, P.A. Experimental evidence for the risk space representation of commercial airspace. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Transportation Research Conference,Minneapolis,MN, May, 1995.
165) Hancock, P.A. On accidents. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Transportation Research Conference,Minneapolis,MN, May, 1995.
166) Scallen, S., & Hancock, P.A. Invoking automation in adaptive environments. Paper presented at the Learning Center Retreat,Silver Lake,MN, May, 1995.
167) Manser, M., & Hancock, P.A. Exogenous and endogenous factors influencing time-to-contact estimations. Paper presented at the Learning Center Retreat,Silver Lake,MN, May, 1995.
168) Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. The Human Factors Research Laboratory Flight Simulator. Paper presented at the Learning Center Retreat,Silver Lake,MN, May, 1995.
169) Manser., M.P., & Hancock , P.A.. The application of optical flow field theory to a real world driving environment. Paper presented at NASPSPA, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, June, 1995.
170) Scallen, S.F., & Hancock, P.A. (1995). Pilot performance in automated environments: Experimental research with real-world applications. Paper presented at NASPSPA, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA, June, 1995.
171) Hancock, P.A., & Manser, M. (1995). Endogenous and exogenous factors in time to contact. Paper presented at the Sixth Vision in Vehicles Conference,UniversityofDerby,Derby,England, September.
172) Hancock, P.A., & Manser, M. (1995). Sensitivity to time-to-contact across the retina. Paper presented at the Ergonomics and Motor Vehicles Conference, November,Barcelona,Spain. (Unattended Poster).
173) Vercruyssen, M., Hancock, P.A., Knecht, W., Olofinboba, O., Chrysler, S., Williams, G., May, D., & Newell, R. (1995). Lighted guidance devices: Environmental modulation of driving behavior through work zones. Proceedings of the 2nd ITS World Congress (pp. 1199-1204). Yokohama,Japan: Vehicle, Road, and Traffic Intelligence Society (VERTIS).
174) Vercruyssen, M., Hancock, P.A., Williams, G., Olofinboba, O., Nookala, M., & Foderberg, D. (1995). Lighted guidance devices: Environmental modulation of drivers’ perception of vehicle speed through work zones. Proceedings of the 2nd ITS World Congress (pp. 1689-1694). Yokohama,Japan: Vehicle, Road, and Traffic Intelligence Society (VERTIS).
175) Manser, M.P., & Hancock, P.A. Endogenous and exogenous factors affecting estimations of time to contact. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Diego,CA, October, 1995.
176) Vercruyssen, M., Williams, G., Hancock, P.A., & Foderberg, D. Automobile braking response speed: Age differences and effects of collision warnings. Paper presented at the ITSAmerica6th Annual Meeting.Washington,DC: Intelligent Transportation Society ofAmerica,Houston, April, 1996.
177) Manser, M.P., & Hancock, P.A. Internal and external factors impinging on collision avoidance abilities: Implications for accident rates. Paper presented at the ITS America 6th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: Intelligent Transportation Society of America, Houston, April, 1996.
178) Manser, M.P.. & Hancock, P.A.. Advanced simulation technology used to reduce accident rates through a better understanding of human behaviors and human perception. Paper Presented at the SPIE Conference, Orlando, FL, April, 1996.
179) Arthur, E., Hancock, P.A., & Telke, S. (1996). Navigation in virtual environments. Paper Presented at the SPIE Conference, Orlando, FL, April, 1996.
180) Scallen, S.F., Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. (1996). Development of a simulator to investigate pilot decision-making in free flight. Paper Presented at the SPIE Conference, Orlando, FL, April, 1996.
181) Manser, M.P., Scallen, S.F., Carmody, J., & Hancock, P.A. The influence of visual patterns on transportation tunnels walls for improving estimates of time to arrival. paper presented at the Transportation Research Board, 13th Bi-Annual Symposium on Visibility and Driver Behavior, Iowa City, IA, April, 1996.
182) Hancock, P.A. Are all transportation accidents human error? Keynote address given to the Center for Transportation Studies Seventh Advisory Board Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN May, 1996.
183) Scallen, S.F., Manser, M.P., & Hancock, P.A. Wrap-around driving environments: New directions for simulation research. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Transportation Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1996.
184) Hancock, P.A. Overview of simulation in roadway design research. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Transportation Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1996.
185) Hancock, P.A. Custer and the Titanic: Denominators of disaster. Paper presented at the Conference, Psychology Beyond the Threshold: A Festschrift for William Dember. Cincinnati, OH, May, 1996.
186) Hancock, P.A., Scallen, S.F., & Smith, K. Capturing pilot action and cognition in response to en-route air traffic conflicts. Paper presented at the Conference, Psychology Beyond the Threshold: A Festschrift for William Dember. Cincinnati, OH, May, 1996.
187) Manser, M.P., & Hancock, P.A. Estimations of time-to-contact: From theoretical perspectives to practical applications. Paper presented at the Conference, Psychology Beyond the Threshold: A Festschrift for William Dember. Cincinnati, OH, May, 1996.
188) Scallen, S.F., Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. Pilot actions in response to traffic conflicts. Paper presented at the Center for Learning and Cognition Spring Retreat, St. Paul, MN, May, 1996.
189) Smith, K., Hancock, P.A., & Scallen, S.F. Decision making in free flight. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Philadelphia, PA, September, 1996.
190) Knecht, W., Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. A dynamic conflict probe and index of collision risk. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Philadelphia, PA, September, 1996.
191) Scallen, S.F., Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. Pilot actions during traffic situations in a free-flight airspace structure. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Philadelphia, PA, September, 1996.
192) Hancock, P.A., & Smith, K. Calibrating the content of consciousness in context. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Philadelphia, PA, September, 1996.
193) Manser, M.P., Hancock, P.A., & Kinney, C.A. Research paradigm as a factor influencing estimates of time-to-contact. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Philadelphia, PA, September, 1996.
194) Lewin, J.E.K., Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. Navigation strategies in free-flight: Pilots’ use of time-to-contact. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Philadelphia, PA, September, 1996.
195) Hancock, P.A. Driver performance and collision-avoidance. Paper presented at the 76th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C, January, 1997.
196) Manser, M.P., Hancock, P.A., Kinney, C., & Diaz, J. Understanding driver behavior through the application of advanced technological systems. Paper presented at the 76th Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C, January, 1997.
197) Scallen, S., Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. Color-coded displays of traffic information for free-flight. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Aerospace Medical Association Conference, Chicago, Il, May, 1997.
198) Smith, K., Avans, D., Lewin, J., & Hancock, P.A. Thresholds for detection and resolution of enroute conflicts. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Aerospace Medical Association Conference, Chicago, Il, May, 1997.
199) Manser, M.P., Hancock, P.A., Kinney, C., Campbell, C., & Forberd, M. Influence of driver age and sex on the ability to accurately estimate collision. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Transportation Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1997
200) Manser, M.P., Carmody, J., Hancock, P.A., Forberd, M., & Campbell, C. The influence of visual patterns in peripheral vision for modulating driver’s speed through tunnels and temporary workzones. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Transportation Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1997.
201) Desmond, P.A., Matthews, G., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of task demands on driver fatigue. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Transportation Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1997.
202) Carmody, J., Manser, M., & Hancock, P.A. Use of wrap around driving simulator for roadway design research. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Symposium on 3-D in Transportation, Minneapolis, MN, May, 1997.
203) Hancock, P.A. The impact of Intelligent Transportation Systems technology on the older driver. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America,Washington,DC, May, 1997.
204) Hancock, P.A., & Koscheyev, V.S. The evolution from physiological adequacy to physiological tuning. Paper presented at the Twelfth Man in Space Symposium,Washington,DC, June, 1997.
205) Desmond, P.A., & Hancock, P.A. Automated highway systems and driver fatigue. Paper presented at the Rural Advanced Technology and Transportation Systems Meeting,Montana, August, 1997.
206) Knecht, W.R., & Hancock, P.A. Parameterizing a metric of midair collision risk. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Albuquerque,NM, September, 1997.
207) Smith, K., Briggs, A., Knecht, W., & Hancock, P.A. Success and failure at self-separation in simulated free flight. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Albuquerque,NM, September, 1997.
208) Masalonis, A.J., Le, M.A., Klinge, J.C., Galster, S.M., Duley, J.A., Hancock, P.A., Hillburn, B.G., & Parasuraman, R. Air traffic control workstation mock-up for free flight experimentation: Lab developments and capabilities. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Albuquerque, NM, September, 1997.
209) Desmond, P.A., Hancock, P.A., & Monette, J. Motivation and fatigue-related impairments in simulated driving. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Albuquerque, NM, September, 1997.
210) Sheridan, T., Price, H.E., Pew, R., Van Cott, H.P., Woods, D.D., & Hancock, P.A. Allocating functions between humans and machines can never be done on a rationale basis. Debate conducted at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Albuquerque, NM, September, 1997.
211) Hancock, P.A., Hendrix, C., & Arthur, E. Spatial mental representations in virtual environments. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Albuquerque, NM, September, 1997.
212) Desmond, P., Hancock, P.A., & Monette, J. Fatigue and automation-induced impairments in simulated driving performance Paper presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. January, 1998.
213). Hancock, P.A. From ratomorphism to machinocentrism: Our century’s history of man’s inhumanity to man. Paper presented at the Symposium on Human Interaction with Complex Systems. Dayton, OH, March, 1998.
214) Parasuraman, R., & Hancock, P.A. Designing automated warning systems: A signal detection and Bayesian analysis. Paper presented at the Third Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference, Norfolk, VA, March, 1998.
215) Desmond, P.A., Hancock, P.A., & Monette, J.L. Driver fatigue and automated vehicle systems. Paper presented at the Third Automation Technology and Human Performance Conference, Norfolk, VA, March, 1998.
216) Vercruyssen, M., Siu, K., China, C., Masaki, K., Hoffman, E., Blanchette, P.L., & Hancock, P.A. Age and disease effects on estimates of vehicle time-to-arrival. paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Geriatric Society, Seattle, Washington, May, 1998.
217) Hancock, P.A., Simmons, L., Howarth, H., Hashemi, L., Ranney, T., Bezverkhny, I., Teare, P., & Smits, M. Where drivers need help. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, Detroit, MI, May, 1998.
218) Hancock, P.A. Safety and the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative. Paper presented at the Nissan Basic Research Workshop on Human Interaction with Automated Systems, June, 1998.
219) Vercruyssen, M., Siu, K., Hancock, P.A., Olofinboba, O., Arakaki, K., & Blanchette, P. Time perception over the lifespan. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Hawaii Pacific Geronotological Society, Honolulu, October, 1998.
220). Vercruyssen, M., Siu, K., Hancock, P.A., Mah, D., Olofinboba, O., Hoffman, E., Arakaki, K., & Blanchette, P.L. Accuracy in estimation of approaching vehicle’s time-to-arrival over the lifespan. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Hawaii Pacific Geronotological Society, Honolulu, October, 1998.
221) Wogalter, M.S., Hancock, P.A., & Dempsey, P.G. On the description and definition of human factors/ergonomics. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Chicago, IL, October, 1998.
222) Hashemi, L., Simmons, L.A., Howarth, H., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of an in-vehicle distracter upon driving performance. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Chicago, IL, October, 1998.
223) Hancock, P.A. The price of freedom. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Chicago, IL, October, 1998.
224) Warm, J.S., Dember, W.N., & Hancock, P.A. Workload and vigilance. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Chicago, IL, October, 1998.
225) Hancock, P.A., & deRidder, S. N. The human side of accidents. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Intelligent Transportation Society of Minnesota, Bloomington, MN, March, 1999.
226) Hancock, P.A., & deRidder, S.N. The last fateful seconds: Examining performance response in collision-likely conditions. Paper presented at the Third Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Performance, Warner Springs, CA, March, 1999.
227) Carmody, J., Harder, K., Scallen, S., & Hancock, P.A. Designing safe transportation environments. Paper presented at the First Minnesota Design Summit, Minneapolis, MN, April, 1999.
228) Hancock, P.A. Design and human beings. Paper presented at the First Minnesota Design Summit, Minneapolis, MN, April, 1999.
229) Hancock, P.A. The effects of in-vehicle distraction upon driver response during a crucial driving maneuver. Paper presented at the Tenth Annual Center for Transportation Studies, Transportation Research Conference, St. Paul, MN, May, 1999.
230) Knecht, W., & Hancock, P.A. Separation maintenance in high-stress free flight using a time-to-contact based cockpit display of traffic information. Paper presented at 43rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Houston, TX, 1999.
231) Harris, W.C., Hancock, P.A., & Goernert, P.N. On the multiple-task performance of high and low mood disturbance individuals. Paper presented at 43rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Houston, TX, 1999.
232) Carmody, J., Harder, K., & Hancock, P.A. Designing safer transportation environments. Paper presented at the 31st Annual meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. San Francisco, CA, May, 2000.
233) Hancock, P.A. The tale of a two-faced tiger: Identifying commonalties across accident types to reduce their impact and frequency by design. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Transportation Research Conference, St. Paul, MN, May, 2000.
234) De Ridder, S.N., & Hancock, P.A. When two cars meet at the wrong place and the wrong time. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Transportation Research Conference, St. Paul, MN, May, 2000.
235) Hancock, P.A. Safety and in-vehicle technologies. Paper presented at the ITS Minnesota Forum, St. Paul, MN, October, 2000.
236) Hancock, P.A.,Mouloua, M., & Torrez, L. Driver distraction and in-vehicle technologies. Paper presented at the Annual University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Meeting on Human Factors, April, 2001.
237)Mouloua, M., Rinalducci, E., Hancock, P.A., & Aty, M. Driver distraction and workload. Paper presented at the AAA Traffic Safety Meeting, Washington, DC, June, 2001.
238)Mouloua, M., Jerome, C.J., Helmick, J.A., & Hancock, P.A. Vehicle navigation systems and driving performance: Effects of display mode and traffic condition. Paper presented at the Inauguration of the UCF Engineering II Complex,Orlando,FL, August 2001.
239)Mouloua, M., Agliata, D., Kanter, A., Cruz, I.Y., Sanders, B., Siebert, R., Jerome, C., Ganey, N., Mayo, J., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of radio tuning on driving performance. Paper presented at the Inauguration of the UCF Engineering II Complex,Orlando,FL, August 2001.
240) Ganey, H.C.N.,Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., & Jerome, C.J. Driver workload and distraction: A taxonomy. Paper presented at the Inauguration of the UCF Engineering II Complex,Orlando,FL, August 2001.
241) Mouloua, M., Gilson, R., Daskarolis-Kring, E., Kring, J., & Hancock, P.A. Ergonomics of UAV/UCAV mission success: Considerations for data link, control, and display issues. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Minneapolis,MN, October, 2001.
242) Mouloua, M., Gilson, R., Kring, J., & Hancock, P.A. Workload, situation awareness, and teaming issues for UAV/UCAV operations. . Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2001.
243) Hancock, P.A., Harris, W.C., & Harris, S.C. Information processing changes following extended stress. . Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2001.
244) Hancock, P.A., Ganey, H.C.N., Mouloua, M., Salas, E., Gilson, R., Greenwood-Eriksen, A., Parasuraman, R., Harris, W., Leon, A., & Smith, K. A descriptive framework for the evaluation of stress effects on operator performance. .Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2001.
245) Hancock, P.A. From origin to aspiration: Development of the University of Minnesota’s Human Factors Research Laboratory. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2001.
246) Hancock, P.A. (Chair and Organizer), W. Makous and W. Knecht (Co-Chairs), R. de Pontbriand and W. Howell (Honorary Co-Chairs). Human factors responses to problems of terrorism. Symposium presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2001. (This session replaced the “Why does Dilbert, the Far Side, and other Cartoons convey Essential Truths about Human Factors and Ergonomics, J.K. Caird, N. Ward., S.F. Scallen., J. Davies, P.A. Hancock, & D. Woods contributors).
247) Hancock, P.A. Understanding the problems that older drivers face. Presentation in the Debate on Older Drivers given at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2001.
248). Hancock, P.A. Mind-mind symbiosis: Beyond the Human-Machine Interface. Paper presented at the Workshop on Perceptive User Interfaces. Orlando, FL. November, 2001.
249). Hancock, P.A. Sex and age differences in time perception. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomics Society, Orlando, FL, November, 2001.
250).Mouloua, M., Abdel-Aty, M., Hancock, P.A., & Rinalducci, E. Development of an experimental protocol for evaluating driver distraction. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January, 2002.
251) Hancock, P.A. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI): Optimizing cognitive readiness under combat conditions. Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
252) Harris, W.C., Parasuraman, R., Zinni, M., Hancock, P.A., & Harris, S.C. Viking: Development of an infantry scenario mutli-task environment. Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
253) Weaver, J.L., Sims, V.K., Ganey, H.C.N., Hancock, P.A., Bradley, K., &Mouloua, M. The influence of stress and individual differences on subjective time. Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
254) Morris, C.S., Tarr, R.W., Shirkey, E., Hancock, P.A., &Mouloua, M. Training and performance outcome: Advanced technologies, realistic graphics, and increased simulation may not be contributors. Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
255) Diaz, D.D., Sims, V.K., & Hancock, P.A. Visual search for two identical targets: The role of ecological validity. Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
256) Greenwood-Ericksen, A., Ganey, H.C.N., Weaver, J.L.,Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P.A. The effect of time stress on mission performance in a virtual combat mission. Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
257) Bradley, K.A., Thropp, J.E., Weaver, J.L.,Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P.A. Reducing driver error to enhance transportation safety and efficiency. . Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
258) Walker, A.J., Harris, W.C., Leon, A.S., & Hancock, P.A. Changes in salivary amylase and self-reported fatigue across three increasingly intense bouts of exercise. Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
259) Walker, A.J., Bolgren, H.L., Nicols, K.G., Leon, A.S., & Hancock, P.A. Salivary amylase as a marker of increasing physiological stress during a five mile treadmill road march. Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
260) Harris, W.C., Walker, A.J., Lon, A.S., & Hancock, P.A. The effect of physical workload on cognitive performance. Paper presented at the Mid-Year Symposium of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology, Division 19: Military Psychology of the American Psychological Association and the Potomac Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2002.
261) Hancock, P.A. Contributions of Human Factors to countering terrorism. Paper presented at the Symposium on Human Factors and Terrorism at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, March, 2002.
262) Ganey, H.C.N., Hancock, P.A., Weaver, J.L., Greenwood-Ericksen, A., &Mouloua, M. A human factors approach to the investigation of stress. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, March, 2002.
263). Bradley, K.A. Thropp. J.E., Weaver, J.L., Fisher, R.D., & Hancock, P.A. University students attitudes toward potential American military response to terrorism. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, March, 2002.
264)Mouloua, M., Jerome, C.J., Helmick, J., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of navigation system use on driver’s performance. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, March, 2002.
265)Mouloua, M., Burback, T., Torres, N., Shirkey, E., & Hancock. P.A.. The relationship between breast surgery and self-esteem. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, March, 2002.
266)Mouloua, M., Agliata, D., Kanter, A., Siebert, R., Cruz, I., & Hancock, P.A. Driver distraction: Effects of radio tuning on driving performance. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, March, 2002.
267) Hancock, P.A., Weaver, J., &Mouloua, M. Understanding stress effects on behavioral performance. Paper presented at the ARO Life Sciences: The universal language from microbe to man. Workshop-Symposium, High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, NC, April, 2002.
268) Weaver, J., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of stress on the perception of duration. Paper presented at the ARO Life Sciences: The universal language from microbe to man. Workshop-Symposium, High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, NC, April, 2002.
269) Hancock, P.A. Some observations on the career and achievement of James E. Birren. Paper Presented at the meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Orlando, May, 2002.
270) Hancock, P.A., & Weaver, J.L. The time of your life. Paper Presented at the meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Orlando, May, 2002.
271) Diaz, D.D., Sims, V.K., & Hancock, P.A. Memory for ecologically-valid objects during visual search for two identical targets.
Paper Presented at the 14th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, New Orleans, LA, June, 2002.
272) Hancock, P.A. The MURI-OPUS Program: Evaluating operator performance under stress. Paper presented at the 110th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il, August, 2002.
273) Weaver, J.L., Hancock, P.A., Bradley, K., & Greenwood-Ericksen, A. Combat readiness and fatigue: Laboratory investigations of individuals. Paper presented at the 110th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il, August, 2002.
274) Hancock, P.A. Effects of stress on human performance. Franklin Taylor Award Lecture presented at the 110th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il, August, 2002.
275) Diaz, D.D., Hancock, P.A., Sims, V.K., & Brill, J.C. The effect of noise stress during search for two identical targets in a realistic visual scan. Paper presented at the 110th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il, August, 2002.
276) Brill, J.C., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Kennedy, R.S., Gilson, R.D., & Smith, M.G. A multi-sensory device and protocol for on-line workload assessment. Paper presented at the 110th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il, August, 2002.
277) Weaver, J.L., Bradley, K.A., Thropp, J.E., Hancock, P.A., & Mouloua, M. Driver characteristics and technology: Enhancing transportation safety and efficiency. Paper presented at the 110th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il, August, 2002.
278) Morris, C.S., Shirkey, E., Hancock, P.A., & Mouloua, M. Effects of context-relevant stress in PC-based game training. Paper presented at the 110th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il, August, 2002.
279) Greenwood-Ericksen, A., Weaver, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Using a virtual combat simulator to examine soldier performance in infantry combat. Paper presented at the 110th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il, August, 2002.
280) Helmick, J.A., Jerome, C., Downes, K., Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of in-vehicle navigation systems on driving performance and workload. Paper presented at the 110th Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Il, August, 2002.
281) Hancock, P.A. Human factors progress towards improved homeland security. Paper presented at the 46th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Baltimore, MD, October, 2002.
282) Siebert, P., Mouloua, M., Burns, K., Marino, J., Scagolia, L., Winters, L., Hancock, P.A., & Agliata, D. The effects of telematics on driver distraction. Paper presented at the 46th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Baltimore, MD, October, 2002.
283) Hancock, P.A. Is a grand unified theory of cognitive engineering possible? Paper presented at the 46th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Baltimore, MD, October, 2002.
284) Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., Mouloua, M., & Parasuraman, R. Applications of fuzzy signal detection theory to responses to terrorism. Paper presented at the 46th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Baltimore, MD, October, 2002.
285) Hancock, P.A., Szalma, J.L., Mouloua, M., & Stafford, S. Defeating terrorism using human factors/ergonomics. Paper presented at the 46th Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Baltimore, MD, October, 2002.
286) Hancock, P.A. Is there a science of (adaptive) interface design for decision-making? Paper presented at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December, 2002.
287) Hancock, P.A., Ganey, H.C.N., & Szalma, J.L. Performance under stress: A re-evaluation of a foundational law of psychology. Paper presented at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December, 2002.
288) Brill, J.C., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Gilson, R.D., Kennedy, R.S., & Smith, M.G. A multi-sensory protocol for evaluating workload associated with new Army technologies. Paper presented at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December, 2002.
289) Hancock, P.A., Ward, P., Szalma, J.L., Stafford, S., & Ganey, H.C.N. Stress and human information processing: A descriptive framework presented in a novel manner. Paper presented at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December, 2002.
290) Hancock, P.A., Szalma, J.L., & Weaver, J.L. The distortion of perceptual space-time under stress. Paper presented at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December, 2002.
291) Mouloua, M., Gilson, R.D., Hancock, P.A., & Brill, J.C. Development of effective decision strategies for alarm diagnosis in military aviation. Paper presented at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December, 2002.
292) Greenwood-Ericksen, A., Weaver, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Using a virtual combat simulator to examine soldier performance in infantry combat. Paper presented at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December, 2002.
293) Morris, C.S., & Hancock, P.A. Off-the-shelf games and training: Lessons learned. Paper presented at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December, 2002.
294) Morris, C.S., Ganey, H.C.N., Ross, J., & Hancock, P.A. The point of diminishing immersive return: Implications for simulation-based training. Paper presented at the 23rd Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, December, 2002.
295) Ross, J.M., Szalma, J.L., Thropp, J., & Hancock, P.A. Performance, workload and stress with temporal and spatial demands. Paper presented at the Annual Mid-Year Symposium of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 19 and 21, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2003. (This Paper won the Best Graduate Student paper of Division 19).
296) Hancock, P.A. Operator performance under stress: Present progress and future directions. Paper presented at the Annual Mid-Year Symposium of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 19 and 21, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2003.
297) Burke, K.A., Greenwood-Eriksen, A., Weaver, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Application of an off-the-shelf commercial software package for the evaluation of stress on performance. Paper presented at the Annual Mid-Year Symposium of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 19 and 21, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2003.
298) Murphy, L.L., Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., & Stafford, S.C. Comparison of methods of analyses of fuzzy and traditional signal detection theory. Paper presented at the Annual Mid-Year Symposium of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 19 and 21, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2003.
299) Szalma, J.L., Ward, P., & Hancock, P.A. Application of fuzzy signal detection theory to the evaluation of performance under stress. Paper presented at the Annual Mid-Year Symposium of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 19 and 21, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2003.
300) Ward, P. Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Predicting performance under stressful conditions: A theoretical and empirical approach. Paper presented at the Annual Mid-Year Symposium of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 19 and 21, Ft. Belvoir, VA, March, 2003.
301) Siebert, P., Mouloua, M., Jenkins, N., Winters, L., Scagliola, L., Marino, J., Burns, K., & Hancock, P.A. Understanding driver distraction: An experimental evaluation. Paper presented at the 49th Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, 2003.
302) Brill, J.C., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Gilson, R.D., & Kennedy, R.S. Multi-sensory workload assessment protocol (M-SWAP): Feasibility of incorporating demand scalability. Paper presented at the 49th Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, 2003.
303) Oakley, B.,Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of automation reliability on human monitoring performance. Paper presented at the 49th Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, 2003.
304) Bradley, K.A., Weaver, J.L., Greenwood-Ericksen, A., Helmick, J.A., Burke, K.A., & Hancock, P.A. Individual and dual task performance decrements as a function of stressor function. Paper presented at the 49th Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, 2003.
305) Hancock, P.A., Szalma, J.L., & Mouloua, M. Applications of psychology to homeland defense. Symposium presented at the 49th Southeastern Psychological Association meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, 2003.
306). Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., & Mouloua, M. Applications of fuzzy signal detection theory to homeland defense. Paper presented at the 49th Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, 2003.
307) Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., Weaver, J.L., Mouloua, M., & Stafford, S.C. Applications of fuzzy signal detection theory to law enforcement. Paper presented at the 49th Southeastern Psychological Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March, 2003.
308) Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., & Weaver, J.L. Development of a theory of stress and attentional narrowing. Paper presented at the 95th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 2003.
309) Ward, P., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Expertise: A long term adaptation to stress? Paper presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 2003.
310) Helton, W.S., Shaw, T.S., Warm, J.S., Matthews, G., Dember W.N., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of transitions in signal salience on vigilance performance and stress. Paper presented at the 95th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy, Atlanta GA, April, 2003.
311) Ward, P., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Adaptive experts and automaticity: Explanations of failing under pressure Paper presented at the ARO Workshop, Seeing both the scene and unseen – Human sight and microscopic sites. ARO Workshop Proceedings, Cashiers, NC, April, 2003.
312) Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Fuzzy signal detection: initial evidence for a novel approach to evaluation of decision-making under certainty. Paper presented at the ARO Workshop, Seeing both the scene and unseen – Human sight and microscopic sites. ARO Workshop Proceedings, Cashiers, NC, April, 2003.
313) Brill, J.C., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Gilson, R.D., & Kennedy, R.S. A protocol for assessing reserve cognitive capacity on complex systems. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Natural Decision Makin, Pensacola, FL. 2003.
314) Szalma, J.L. & Hancock, P.A. Fuzzy signal detection theory: Capturing the uncertainty in natural decision making. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Natural Decision Making, Pensacola, FL. 2003.
315) Walker, A.J., Leon, A.S., & Hancock, P.A. Changes in cognitive performance of soldiers during exercise. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of theAmericanCollege of Sports Medicine,San Francisco,CA, May, 2003.
316) Hancock, P.A. (On behalf of R.S. Kennedy). Automated performance testing. Paper presented at the Workshop on Cognitive, Psycho-physiological, and Behavioral Monitoring for Military Field Applications,Cincinnati,OH, June, 2003.
317) Hancock, P.A. Observations on the opportunities and limits of workload as an indicators of war-fighter capacity and resilience. Panel presentation at the Workshop on Cognitive, Psycho-physiological, and Behavioral Monitoring for Military Field Applications,Cincinnati,OH, June, 2003.
318) Brill, J.C., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Gilson, R.D., & Kennedy, R.S. Assessing spare attentional capacity of drowsy drivers: Protocol development. Paper Presented at the 2nd International Symposium of Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Deign,Park City,UT. 2003.
319) Brill, J.C, Hancock, P.A. & Gilson, R.D. Driver fatigue: Is something missing? Paper Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design,Park City,UT, 2003.
320) Mouloua, M., Rinalducci, E., Hancock, P.A., & Brill, J.C. Evaluating workload associated with telematic devices via secondary task protocol. Paper Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design,Park City,UT, 2003.
321) Ganey, H.C.N., Ward, P. Ward., Hancock, P.A., & Szalma, J.L. Naturalistic driving user and task analysis. Paper Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design,Park City,UT, 2003.
322) Hancock, P.A. Some barriers to understanding driving. Concluding Plenary Address Presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design,Park City,UT, 2003.
323) Bradley, K.A., Weaver, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. A research agenda for the United States Coast Guard. Paper presented at the First Annual Meeting of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, Denver, CO, October, 2003.
324) Brill, J.C.,Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., & Kennedy, R.S. Evaluating human performance and advanced technology design in extreme environments. Paper presented at the First Annual Meeting of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, Denver, CO, October, 2003.
325) Terrence, P.I., Gilson, R.D., & Hancock, P.A. Assessment of real data and theoretical issues in extreme aviation environments. Paper presented at the First Annual Meeting of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, Denver, CO, October, 2003.
326) Greenwood-Ericksen, A., Weaver, J.L., Burke, K., Bradley, K.A., & Hancock, P.A. An affordable medium-fidelity virtual environment soldier simulator designed for infantry combat research. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
327) Stafford, S.C., Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., & Mouloua, M. Application of fuzzy signal detection theory to vigilance: The effect of criterion shifts. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
328) Murphy, L., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Comparison of fuzzy signal detection and traditional signal detection theory: Approaches to performance measurement. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
329) Hancock, P.A. Individuation: Not merely human-centered but person-specific design. Paper presented at the Panel on Considering the Importance of Individual Differences in Human Factors Research: No Longer Simply Confounding Noise at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
330) Brill, J.C., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Gilson, R.D., & Kennedy, R.S. Demonstrating a methodology for assessing cognitive capacities across sensory systems: M-SWAP. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
331) Murphy, L., Stanney, K., & Hancock, P.A. The effect of affect: The hedonomic evaluation of human-computer interaction. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
332) Oakley, B., Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of automation reliability on human monitoring performance. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
333) Hancock, P.A. The ergonomics of torture: The moral dimension of evolving human-machine technology. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
334) Harris, W.C., & Hancock, P.A. Field assessment of cognitive performance under stress. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
335) Thropp, J.E., Szalma, J.L., Ross, J.M., & Hancock, P.A. Individual differences in dispositional pessimism, stress, and coping as a function of task type. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Denver, October, 2003.
336) Diaz, D.D., Sims, V.K., Hancock, P.A., Smith, H.S., Upham Ellis, L., Clark, B., & Sushil, D. Moderating factors in visual search: The role of ecological validity. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
337) Ross, J.M., Szalma, J.L., Thropp, J., & Hancock, P.A. Performance, workload, and stress correlates of temporal and spatial task demands. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
338) Ganey, H.C.N., Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., & Mouloua, M. The role of choice and individual differences in the mitigation of noise and task stressors on vigilance. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
339) Hancock, P.A. What graduate students should know about getting published. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
340) Hancock, P.A. Don’t just be polite – Please me. Paper presented at the Panel on the Etiquette Perspective for Human-Automation Relationships: Application, Models and Results, at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
341) Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Rinalducci, E., & Brill, J.C. Effects of radio tuning on driving performance. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
342) Morris, C.S., French, J., Shirkey, E.C., & Hancock, P.A. Cognitive functioning under the influence of electromagnetic fields. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
343) Ward, P., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. The stress and performance relationship and the effects of performance moderators. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
344) Bradley, K.A., Weaver, J.L., Burke, K.A., Helmick, J.A., Greenwood-Ericksen, A., & Hancock, P.A. An experimental investigation of skill, rule, and knowledge-based performance under noise conditions. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
345) French, J., Morris, C.S., & Hancock, P.A. Modeling fatigue-degraded performance in artificial agents. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver, October, 2003.
346) Mouloua, M., Rinalducci, E., Hancock, P.A., Siebert, P., Brill, J.C., & Kennedy, R.S. Effects of telematics on driver distraction. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, March, 2004.
347) Morris, C.S., Hancock, P.A., & Shirkey, E.C. Cognitive-motivational explanations of stress-adaptation. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, March, 2004.
348) Cherry, S., & Hancock, P.A. Female serial killers: The silent epidemic. Paper for the 50th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, March, 2004. (accepted not presented).
349) Ross, J.M., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of spatial/temporal task demands on false alarms. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Division 19/Division 21 Midyear Symposium, Fort Belvoir, VA, March, 2004.
350) Thropp, J.E., Szalma, J.L., Ross, J.M., & Hancock, P.A. Impact of extraversion on performance and workload and target detection. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Division 19/Division 21 Midyear Symposium, Fort Belvior, VA, March, 2004.
351) Stafford, S.C., Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., Delasanotos, K., & Hancock, P.A. Improving seatbelts for police and military personnel. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Division 19/Division 21 Midyear Symposium, Fort Belvior, VA, March, 2004.
352) Helton, W.S., Shaw, T.H., Warm, J.S., Matthews, G., Dember, W.N., & Hancock, P.A. Demand transitions in vigilance: Effects on performance efficiency and stress. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
353) Harris, W.C., Grady, T., & Hancock, P.A. The effect of mental workload on cognitive performance, stress hormones and subjective mood. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
354) Ross, J.M., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of spatial temporal task demands on false alarms in a target identification task. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
355) Ganey, H.C.N., Koltko-Rivera, M.E., Murphy, L.M., Dalton, J., & Hancock, P.A. Affect as an aspect of workload: Why and how to address affect in automation and simulation studies. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
356) Morris, C.S., Hancock, P.A., Shirkey, E.C.,Mouloua, M., & Rinalducci, E. Revisiting ecological validity in aversive experimental settings. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
358) Brill, J.C., Gilson, R.D.,Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., & Terrence, P.I. Increasing situation awareness of dismounted soldiers via directional cueing. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
359)Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P.A. Psychological correlates of aggressive driving behavior. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Technology Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
360) Compton, D., Kennedy, R.S., Fatkin, L., Burton, P.,Mouloua, M., & Hancock, P.A. Using temporal testing to gauge operator response under stress. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Technology Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004. (paper accepted, not presented).
361) Kolto-Rivera, M.E., Ganey, H.C.N., Murphy, L.M., Hancock, P.A., & Dalton, J. The peacekeeper: How the role of the modern soldier has changed and how that affects workload. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
362) Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Expertise and performance under stress. Paper presented as part of the Panel, From the Perceptual to the Organizational: How can the science of expertise better inform the practice of human performance. At the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
363)Mouloua, M., Rinalducci, E.J., & Hancock, P.A. & Alberti, N. Driver distraction: An empirical evaluation. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
364) Smither, J.,Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Duley, J., Adams, R., & Latorella, K. Aging and driving I: Implications of physical and perceptual changes. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
365)Mouloua, M., Smither, J., Hancock, P.A., Duley, J., Adams, R., & Latorella, K. Aging and driving II: Implications of cognitive change. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
366) Brill, J.C.,Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Gilson, R.D., & Kennedy, R.S. Assessment of reserve capacity across sensory modalities in dual task environments. Paper presented at the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
367) Hancock, P.A. Individuation and the problem of soldier performance on the electronic battlefield. . Paper presented as part of the Panel, What personality characteristics do digitally competent soldiers have in common? At the Human Performance, Situation Awareness and Automation Conference, Daytona Beach, FL, March, 2004.
367) Szalma, J.L., Stafford, S.C., Oron-Gilad, T., Murphy, L.L., & Hancock, P.A. Fuzzy signal detection theory: Basic and applied research. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Performance, Orlando, FL, April, 2004.
368) Szalma, J.L., Ross, J.M., Thropp, J.E., & Hancock, P.A. Distortion of spatial and temporal perception under stress. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Performance, Orlando, FL, April, 2004.
369) Hancock, P.A., Szalma, J.L., Oron-Gilad, T.,Mouloua, M., Gilson, R.D., and the MURI-OPUS Group. Operator performance under stress: A multiple University research initiative. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Performance, Orlando, FL, April, 2004.
370) Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Stress and performance in virtual environments. Paper presented at the ARO Workshop-Symposium on Sensing and Processing by Neuronal and Microbial Communities, Cashiers, NC, April, 2004.
371) Szalma, J.L., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. Examination of attentional mechanisms underlying stress and performance. Paper presented at the ARO Workshop-Symposium on Sensing and Processing by Neuronal and Microbial Communities, Cashiers, NC, April, 2004.
372) Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. Interacting with nanotechnology: Is the time right to look for new applications systematically? Paper presented at the first Florida Tech Transfer Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, May, 2004.
373) Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Scalable operator control units (OCU’s) for future force warrior (FFW) operations. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004.
374) Helmick-Rich, J., Burke, K.A., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of warning presentation and retention under varying level of stress. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004.
375) Weaver, J.L., Bradley, K.A., Thropp, J.E., Hancock, P.A., &Mouloua, M. Driver characteristics and technology. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004. (Previously presented).
376) Ganey, H.C.N., Koltko-Rivera, M.E., Dalton, J., & Hancock, P.A. Human performance: A comprehensive meta-theory and its application to Army science. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004.
377) Ganey, H.C.N., Koltko-Rivera, M.E., Dalton, J., Murphy, L.L., & Hancock, P.A. Affect as an aspect of workload. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004. (Previously presented).
378) Ganey, H.C.N., Koltko-Rivera, M.E., Murphy, L.L., Dalton, J., & Hancock, P.A. The peacekeeper: How the role of the modern soldier has changed and how that affects workload. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004. (Previously presented).
379) Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., Weaver, J.L.,Mouloua, M., Stafford, S.C. Applications of fuzzy signal detection theory to law enforcement. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004. (Previously presented).
380) Greenwood-Eriksen, A., Weaver, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Using a virtual combat simulator to examine soldier performance in infantry combat. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004. (Previously presented).
381) Ganey, H.C.N., Hancock, P.A., Weaver, J.L., Greenwood-Eriksen, A., &Mouloua, M. A human factors approach to the investigation of stress. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004. (Previously presented).
382) Murphy, L.L., Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A. A comparison of FSDT and traditional SDT analysis of duration discrimination of brief light flashes. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004.
383) Murphy, L.L., Stanney, K., & Hancock, P.A. The effect of affect. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004. (Previously presented).
384) Hancock, P.A. Effects of thermal stress on human performance. Paper presented at the Invited Workshop on Modeling Stress Effects for Performance Prediction, Orlando, July, 2004.
385) Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Alternatives to grouping individuals in the analysis of individual differences data: Applications to optimism and pessimism. Paper presented at the 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI, July, 2004.
386) Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., & Rinalducci, E. Driver distraction: An experimental analysis. Paper presented at the 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Honolulu,HI, July, 2004.
387) Stafford, S., Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., Delossantos, K., & Hancock, P.A. Attitudes of police officers toward seat belt usage while on duty. Paper presented at the 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Honolulu,HI, July, 2004.
388) Szalma, J.L., Ross, J., & Hancock, P.A. The influence of dispositional optimism and pessimism on task engagement for spatial and temporal discrimination. Paper presented at the 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Honolulu,HI, July, 2004.
389) Mouloua, M., Santos, M., & Hancock, P.A. Patterns of aggressive driving behavior among college students. Paper presented at the 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI, July, 2004.
390) Hancock, P.A., Harris, W., & Schmeisser, E. Physiological and cognitive changes in the infantry field environment and Army MURI stress physiology programs. Paper presented at the Office of Naval Research Stress Physiology Review program, San Diego, CA, July, 2004.
391) Kirkland, J.R., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. Mapping an objective state of the world to a subjective degree of signalness: An exercise in fuzzy signal detection theory analysis. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
392) Hancock, P.A. The design of time. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
393) Stafford, S., Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Individual differences related to shooting performance in a police night-training shooting exercise. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
394) Murphy, L.L., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Comparison of fuzzy signal detection and traditional signal detection theory analysis of duration discrimination of brief light flashes. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
395) Greenwood-Ericksen, A., Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., Stafford, S., & Hancock, P.A. Workload and performance: A field evaluation in a police shooting range. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
396) Brill, C., Terrence, P., Downs, J., Gilson, R., Hancock, P.A., & Mouloua, M. Search space reduction via multi-sensory directional cueing. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
397) Koltko-Rivera, M., Ganey, H.C.N., Dalton, J., & Hancock, P.A. Worldview and acculturation as predictors of performance: Addressing these variables in human factors/ergonomics research. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
398) Hancock, P.A. Are real savings in the virtual world only virtual savings in the real world? Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
399) Mouloua, M., Smither, J., & Hancock, P.A. Implications of cognitive changes on driving performance. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
400) Mouloua, M., Rinalducci, E., Hancock, P.A., & Helmick-Rich, J. Understanding driver distraction: An empirical investigation. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
401) Hancock, P.A. The effects of stress on soldier performance. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
402) Helmick,-Rich, J., Burke, K., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of warning presentations and stress on human performance. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
403) Ross, J.M., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. The impact of dispositional optimism and pessimism on stress as a function of psychophysical task characteristics. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
404) Thropp, J., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Performance operating characteristics for spatial and temporal discriminations: Common or separate capacities? Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, September, 2004.
405) Goldiez, B., Hancock. P.A., Dawson, J., Livingston, M.A., & Brown, D. Advancing human centered augmented reality research. Paper presented at the Army Scicnce Conference, Orlando, FL, November, 2004.
406) Helmick-Rich, J., Burke, K.A., Oron-Gilad, T., Moore, J., & Hancock, P.A. Protecting soldiers: Warning presentation and retention under stress in a virtual military task. Paper presented at the 24th Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, November, 2004.
407) Murphy, L.L., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Fuzzy signal detection theory: Tests of assumptions and comparison with traditional analyses. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN, November, 2004.
408) Hancock, P.A. The moral dimension of human-machine technology and the ergonomics of torture. Paper presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, Orlando, FL, January, 2005.
409) Hancock, P.A. Nature will not be fooled: Observations on the interdependence of science and politics. Paper presented at the 171st National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC, February, 2005.
410) Koltko-Rivera, M.R., Ganey, H.C.N., Morgan, J.F., & Hancock, P.A. Psychology in the defense against terrorism. Paper presented at the 2005 American Psychological Association Division21, Division 19, Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, March, 2005.
411) Koltko-Rivera, M.R., Ganey, H.C.N., & Hancock, P.A. The threat assessment testing exercise (TATE). Paper presented at the 2005 American Psychological Association Division21, Division 19, Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, March, 2005.
412) Ganey, H.C.N., Koltko-Rivera, M.R., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of secondary task demand on the assessment of personal threat. Paper presented at the 2005 American Psychological Association Division21, Division 19, Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research,GeorgeMasonUniversity,Fairfax,VA, March, 2005.
413) Ross, J.M., Szalma, J.L., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. Meta-analytic review of the effects of temperature on performance. Paper presented at the 2005 American Psychological Association Division21, Division 19, Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research,GeorgeMasonUniversity,Fairfax,VA, March, 2005.
414) Morgan, J.F., Oron-Gilad, T., Hancock, P.A., & Szalma, J.L. Perception of morphed objects: Generating psychophysical functions for the evolution of a shape. Paper presented at the 2005 American Psychological Association Division21, Division 19, Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research,GeorgeMasonUniversity,Fairfax,VA, March, 2005.
415) Nayeem, R., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. Pilot’s time perception and time distortion under stress. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology,Oklahoma City,Oklahoma, April, 2005.
416) Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Stress, workload and the detection of threat. Paper presented at the US Army Research Office Workshop-Symposium on Communication and Applications from Cellular Internals to Mental Contents. High Hampton Inn, Cashiers,North Carolina, May, 2005.
417) Hancock, P.A., Szalma, J.L., & Oron-Gilad, T. To honor Wickens and restack his boxes. Paper presented at the Conference on Applied Attention: From Theory to Practice: In honor of Dr. Christopher Wickens.Champaign,IL, June, 2005.
418) Panjwani, G., & Hancock, P.A. The Wickens effect. Paper presented at the Conference on Applied Attention: From Theory to Practice: In honor of Dr. Christopher Wickens.Champaign,IL, June, 2005.
419) Downs, J.L. Oron-Gilad, T., Hancock, P.A., & Gilson, R.D. Vibro-tactile guidance cues for target identification. Paper presented at the 9th World Multi-conference on Systems, Cybernetics, and Informatics (WMSCI 2005),Orlando,FL, July, 2005.
420) Hancock, P.A., & Szalma, J.L. The marriage of mind and machine: Advanced human-machine interaction. Paper Presented at the 113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Washington,DC, August, 2005.
421) Thropp, J.E., Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Incorporating individual differences into the adaptive automation paradigm. Paper Presented at the 113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association,Washington,DC, August, 2005.
422) Burke, K.A., Szalma, J.L., Duley, A., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. Testing the efficiency and effectiveness of soldier performance under increasing task demand. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, September, 2005.
423) Hancock, P.A. Our natural evolution toward individuation. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, September, 2005.
424) Harris, W.C., Hancock, P.A., & Morgan, C.A. Cognitive chances in special forces personnel following stressful survival training. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, September, 2005.
425) Delos Santos, K.A., Stafford, S.C., Szalma, J.L., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. Evaluation of threat by police officers: Initial findings. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, September, 2005.
426) Ahmad, A.M., Goldiez, B.F., & Hancock, P.A. Gender differences in navigation and wayfinding. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, September, 2005.
427) Oron-Gilad, T., Hancock, P.A. The role of hedonomics in the future of industry, service, and product design: Panel overview. Panel presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, September, 2005.
428) Hancock, P.A. Hedonomics: Beyond dulce far niente. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, September, 2005.
429) Koltko-Rivera, M.E., & Hancock, P.A. Why and how HFE professionals can better use theory: meta-theory included; some assembly required. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, September, 2005.
430) Thropp, J., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Comparison of spatial and temporal discrimination performance across various levels of difficulty. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Orlando, September, 2005.
431) Hancock, P.A. Hedonomics: Accentuation of the positive. Paper presented at the 2005 Syracuse Symposium on Environmental and Energy Systems,SyracuseUniversity,Syracuse,New York, October, 2005.
432) Oron-Gilad, T., Burke, K.A., Merlo, J. & Hancock, P.A. Scalable OCUs for Future Force Warriors, Presentation at the New Mexico State University Robotics Workshop, Las Cruces, New Mexico, November, 2005.
433) Hancock, P.A. Human Factors and Homeland Security: What we can contribute to DHS success now and in the future. Presentation at the Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences Forum on Human Factors Research and Homeland Security: Current and Future Applications,Washington,DC, November, 2005.
434) Morgan, J.F., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. The driving simulator as a workload research tool. Paper presented at the Driving Simulator Conference,Orlando,FL, December, 2005.
435)Merlo, J.,Stafford, S., Gilson, R., Hancock, P.A., & Fairchild, J. The effects of body position and heart rate on torso mounted tactile displays. Paper presented at the 2006, APA Division 21, Division 19, and HFES Potomac Chapter Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research,GeorgeMasonUniversity,Fairfax,VA, March, 2006.
436) Stafford, S.,Merlo, J., Gilson, R., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of 360 degree tactile versus auditory cueing on target shooting in a simulated environment. Paper presented at the 2006, APA Division 21, Division 19, and HFES Potomac Chapter Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research,GeorgeMasonUniversity,Fairfax,VA, March, 2006. (Winner:Best Graduate Student Paper Award).
437) Hancock, P.A. Measuring the load of mental work. Paper presented at the Annual Applied Ergonomics Conference,Orlando,Florida, March, 2006.
438) Hancock, P.A. The evolution of time in the brain. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Performance,Orlando,FL, March, 2006.
439) Ross, J.,Conway, G., Szalma, J.L., Saxton, B., Braczyk, A., & Hancock, P.A. A meta-analysis of periodic noise stress on human performance. Paper presented at the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments,San Francisco,CA, October, 2006.
440)Merlo, J., Terrence, P.,Stafford, S., Gilson, R., Hancock, P.A., Redden, E., Krausman, A., Pettitt, R., White, T., & Carstens, C.
Communicating through the use of vibrotactile displays for dismounted and mounted soldiers. Paper presented at the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments,San Francisco,CA, October, 2006.
441) Hancock, P.A., Szalma, J.L., Koltko-Rivera, M., & Vincenzi, D. Application of fuzzy signal detection theory to threat detection in extreme environments. Paper presented at the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments,San Francisco,CA, October, 2006.
442) Stafford, S.,Merlo, J., Brill, C., Morgan, J.F., Gilson, R., & Hancock, P.A. Tactile cueing: A potential technology to combat a new type of enemy. Paper presented at the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments,San Francisco,CA, October, 2006.
443) Hancock, P.A. Enhancing human performance in extreme environments. Panel Presentation at the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments,San Francisco,CA, October, 2006.
444) Ross, J.M., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. A meta-analysis of performance under thermal stress. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Francisco,CA October, 2006.
445) Conway, G., Szalma, J.L., Saxton, B., Ross, J.M., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of whole body vibration on human performance: A meta-analytic examination. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Francisco,CA October, 2006.
446) Merlo, J.L., Stafford, S.C., Gilson, R.D., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of physiological stress on tactile communication. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Francisco,CA October, 2006.
447) Hancock, P.A. Recollections of a Presidency. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Francisco,CA October, 2006.
448) Thropp, J., Oron-Gilad, T., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Low and high levels of attentional control in adaptive automation. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Francisco,CA October, 2006.
449) Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Performance, workload, and stress in vigilance: The power of choice. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Francisco,CA October, 2006.
450) Harris, W.C., Reeves, D.L., Elsmore, T.F., & Hancock, P.A. Development of an operational setting-specific field cognitive assessment procedure. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Francisco,CA October, 2006.
451) Szalma, J.L., Oron-Gilad, T., Saxton, B., & Hancock, P.A. Application of fuzzy signal detection theory to the discrimination of morphed tank images. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,San Francisco,CA October, 2006.
452) Fatolitis, P.G., & Hancock, P.A. Defining cognitive tempora: A novel approach to psychological state measurement. Paper presented at the Augmented Cognition Conference,San Francisco,CA, October, 2006.
453) Szalma, J.L., & Hancock. P.A. Fuzzy signal detection theory: ROC analysis of stimulus and response range effects. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society,Houston, November, 2006.
454) Merlo, JL., Terrence, P.I., Stafford, S., Gilson, R., Hancock, P.A., Redden, E.S., Krausman, A., Carstens, C.B., Pettit, R., & White, T.L. Communicating through the use of vibrotectile displays for dismounted and mounted soldiers. Paper presented at the 25th Army Science Conference,Orlando,FL, November, 2006.
455) Saxton, B.M., Ross, J.M., Braczyk, A., Conway, G.E., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. A meta-analysis of aperiodic noise stress on human performance. Paper presented at the 25th Army Science Conference,Orlando,FL, November, 2006.
456) Merlo, J.L., Terrence, P.I., Stafford, S., Duley, A.R., Gilson, R. & Hancock, P.A. (2006). Communicating using vibrotactile displays for dismounted and mounted soldiers. Paper presented at the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group, Extreme Environments subTAG.Monterey,CA, November, 2006.
457) Merlo, J.L., Duley, A.R., & Hancock, P.A. (2006). Microsimulation tesbed for training intuitive decision-making in military combat. Paper presented at the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group, Training subTAG,Monterey,CA, November, 2006.
458) Hancock, P.A., Szalma, J.L., Ross, K.G., &Merlo, J.L. Detecting danger in uncertain circumstances: Applying fuzzy signal detection theory to understanding cultural cues. Paper presented at the Sixth Biennial DEOMI EO/EEO Research Symposium. Patrick AFB,Cocoa Beach,FL, January, 2007.
459) Renfro, M.,Merlo, J.L., Hancock, P.A., & Gilson, R. A multimodal approach to uninhabited operations in dynamic environments. Paper presented at the APA Division 21, Division 19, and HFES Potomac Chapter Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research, GMU,Fairfax,VA, March, 2007.
460)Merlo, J.L., Renfro, M., Duley, A., Hancock, P.A., & Gilson, R. The Stroop effect in touch: How automatic is tactile signaling? Paper presented at the APA Division 21, Division 19, and HFES Potomac Chapter Annual Symposium on Applied Experimental Research, GMU,Fairfax,VA, March, 2007.
461) Hancock, P.A., & Ross, K.G. Transferring the training by training the technology and transferring the task. Paper presented at the Development of Professional Performance Conference,Orlando,FL, March, 2007.
462) Szalma, J.L., Duley, A., Flynn, J., & Hancock, P.A. Collaborative technologies and their effect on operator workload in BMC2 domains. Paper presented at the 2007 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems,Orlando,Florida, May, 2007.
463) Merlo, J., Renfro, M.B., Duley, A., Gilson, R., & Hancock. P.A. Cross-modal congruency benefits for tactile and visual military signaling. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of HPEE,Baltimore,MD, September, 2007.
464) Stafford, S., Wang, J., Merlo, J., & Hancock, P.A. Soldier opinions of future military display technologies. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of HPEE,Baltimore,MD, September, 2007.
465) Hancock, P.A. Principles of stress effects on human performance. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of HPEE,Baltimore,MD, September, 2007.
466) Hancock, P.A. The future of HF/E discipline and profession. Paper presented at the 51st Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Baltimore,MD, October, 2007.
467) Hancock, P.A. Memories of the past Presidency: The good and the bad. Paper presented at the 51st Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Baltimore,MD, October, 2007.
468) Ross, J.M., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Empirical examination of trust in automation across multiple agents in a search and rescue operation. Paper presented at the 51st Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Baltimore,MD, October, 2007.
469) Hancock, P.A. The natural and moral philosophy of human factors and ergonomics. Paper presented at the 51st Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,Baltimore,MD, October, 2007.
470) Covelli, J., Rolland, J., & Hancock, P.A. A quantitative measurement of presence in flight simulators. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Inter-service/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference.Orlando,FL, November, 2007.
471) Hancock, P.A. Performance under stress. Paper presented at the Symposium on Sustained Performance under Stress. Austin, TX, December, 2007.
472) Hausen, M., Funke, M.E., Finomore, V.S., Shaw, T.H., Gresham, L., Warm, J.S., Matthews, G., Taylor, P., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Training for Vigilance: Effects on Performance Diagnosticity and Stress. Paper presented at the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology.New Orleans,LA, March 2008.
473) Hancock, P.A. The state-of-the-art in time perception: The battle for time in the brain. Keynote Address presented at the Conference on the Science and Applications of Perceptual Psychology: Honoring the Career of Dr. Joel S. Warm,Cincinnati,OH, May, 2008.
474) Hancock, P.A., &Merlo, J. Multimodal signaling: communicating through the use of vibro-tactile displays. Paper presented at the Conference on the Science and Applications of Perceptual Psychology: Honoring the Career of Dr. Joel S. Warm,Cincinnati,OH, May, 2008.
475) Neubauer, C.,Merlo, J., Szalma, J., Hancock, P.A., & Jones, D. How close is close enough? Temporal matching between visual and tactile stimuli. Paper presented at the Conference on the Science and Applications of Perceptual Psychology: Honoring the Career of Dr. Joel S. Warm,Cincinnati,OH, May, 2008.
476) Murphy, L.L., Smith, K., & Hancock, P.A. A hedonomic evaluation of the effect of repeated system exposure on pleasurable human-system experience. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,New York, September, 2008.
477) Ross, J.M., Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., Barnett, J.S., &Taylor, G. The effect of automation reliability on user automation trust and reliance in a search-and-rescue scenario. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,New York, September, 2008.
478) Morgan, J.F., Smoker, T.J., Garcia, A.J., & Hancock, P.A. Workload transitions in driving. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,New York, September, 2008.
479) Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., & Thropp, J. Combining spatial and temporal task demands: Effects on performance, workload and stress. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,New York, September, 2008.
480)Merlo, J.L., Gilson, R.D., & Hancock, P.A. Cross-modal congruency benefits for tactile and visual signaling. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,New York, September, 2008.
481) Hancock, P.A. Comments on the issues of product, process and purpose in the emerging arena of human-systems integration. Panel presentation at the 52nd Annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,New York, September, 2008.
482) Hancock, P.A., Renfro, M., & Merlo, J.L. On concurrent multi-modal information displays: The question of when in the brain. Paper presented at the Army Research office Workshop on Research Efforts and Future Directions in Neuroergonomics and Neuromorphics. College Park, MD, October, 2008.
483) Szalma, J.L., Hancock, P.A., & McDonald, D.P. Attitude of military personnel to the challenge of culture: Initial findings. Paper presented at the 7th Biennial Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Culture Research Symposium, DEOMI, Patrick AFB, Cocoa Beach, FL, February, 2009.
484) Merlo, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. The effect of multi-modal information displays on performance. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Sustaining Performance Under Stress Symposium. Adelphi, Maryland, February, 2009.
485) Hancock, P.A. Issues in the assessment of Individual and group performance under extremes of stress. Panel presentation at the West Point Global leadership Conference on Understanding the Human Dimension in an Era of Persistent Volatility. U.S Military Academy, West Point, New York, March, 2009.
486) Shahnami, N., Sims, V., & Hancock, P.A. Evolutionary perspectives on the effects of novel stimuli on memory and learning. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Fullerton, CA, May, 2009.
487) Hancock, P.A., Merlo, J.L., Duley, A., & Renfro, M. Concurrent multi-modal information display effects on response capacity. Paper presented at the 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada, August, 2009.
488) Warm, J.S., Finomore, V., Shaw, T., Funke, M., Hausen, M., Matthews, G., Taylor, P., Vidulich, M., Repperger, D., Szalma, J., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of training with knowledge of results on diagnosticity in vigilance performance. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, TX, October, 2009.
489) Hancock, P.A. Human Factors in weapons safety: A Commentary. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, TX, October, 2009.
490) Morgan, J.F., Hancock, P.A., & Smoker, T.J. Cueing to impending increases in driving task demand. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, TX, October, 2009.
491) Hancock, P.A. Guest reaction on the HF/E show. Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, TX, October, 2009.
492) Shahnami, N., & Hancock, P.A. Cognitive effects of novelty seeking and exposure: An evolutionary framework. Paper presented at the Cognitive Development Society, San Antonio, TX, October, 2009.
493) Keellings, D.J., Hancock, G.M., & Hancock, P.A. Perception of time in life. Paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Florida Society of Geographers, Tampa, FL, January, 2010.
494) Hancock, P.A., Hancock, G.M., & Keellings, D.J. Psychogeography: The example of the spatial distribution of time in life. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Performance, Orlando, FL, March, 2010.
495) Beidel, E., & Hancock, P.A. Perceptual psychology and the challenge of golf course design. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Performance, Orlando, FL, March, 2010.
496) Hancock, G., Keellings, D., Hood, K., & Hancock, P.A. The influence of personal, physiological, and socio-economic status on the perception of time in life. Paper presented at the Florida Student Conference on Human Factors and Applied Psychology, Daytona Beach, April, 2010.
497) Brown, C., Clayton, B., Merlo J., & Hancock, P.A. The orientation of visual attention with directional tactile curing. Paper presented at the Florida Student Conference on Human Factors and Applied Psychology, Daytona Beach, April, 2010. (Presented Paper and Poster).
498) Hancock, G.M., Keellings, D.J., & Hancock, P.A. Perception of time in life. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA. August. 2010.
499) Hancock, P.A. Mind, machine and morality. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA. August. 2010. (This Paper represents the Presidential Address of Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology of the Association).
500) Hancock, P.A. Advances in the theoretical understanding of stress and performance prediction. Paper Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, San Francisco, CA September, 2010.
501) Oleson, K., Billings, D.R., Kocsis, V., Chen, J.Y.C., & Hancock, P.A. Approaches to a meta-analysis of human-robot trust. Paper Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, San Francisco, CA September, 2010.
502) Hancock, P.A., & Drury, C. Pure and Applied – Puerile and Died: Addressing the HF/E of What Really Matters. Paper Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 2010.
503) Hancock, P.A. Hours of Boredom and Moments of Terror. Paper Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 2010.
504) Hancock, P.A. The value of hedonomics in the process of design. Paper Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 2010.
505) Whitmire J., Morgan, J.F., Oron-Gilad, T., & Hancock, P.A. The effect of in-vehicle warning systems on speed compliance in work zones. Paper Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 2010.
506) Rogers, W.A., Beith, B., Duncan, J., Endsley, M., & Hancock, P.A. Facilitating University-Industry collaborations in Human Factors and Ergonomics. Panel Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 2010.
507) Szalma, J.S., & Hancock, P.A. A meta-analytic review of the effects of noise on performance: Moderating effects of task and noise characteristics. Paper Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, September, 2010.
508) Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Individual Differences in Response to Automation as a Function of Dispositional Trust. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter: Annual Meeting. Berlin, October, 2010.
509) Szalma, J.L., Teo, G., Hancock, P.A., & Murphy, J.S. Knowledge of Results and Diagnostic Power: Implications for Vigilance Training to Support Improvised Explosive Device Detection. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter: Annual Meeting. Berlin, October, 2010.
510) Oleson, K., Billings, D., Kocsis, V., Chen, J., & Hancock, P.A. Human, robot, and environmental characteristics: Antecedents of trust in human-robot team environments. Paper presented at the IEEE Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support. Miami, FL, February, 2011.
511) Kocsis, V., Alesia, M., Billings, D.R., Oleson, K.E., & Hancock, P.A. Occupational stereotypes in human-robot interaction. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Applied Psychology Conference, April, Daytona Beach, FL, 2011.
512) Jacobson, C., Oleson, K.E., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Examining the effects of optimism while under stress. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Applied Psychology Conference, April, Daytona Beach, FL, 2011.
513) Oleson, K.E., Hancock, P.A., Billings, D. R., & Schesser, C. D. Trust in unmanned aerial systems: A synthetic distributed trust model derived from a human-robot trust meta-analysis. Poster presented at the 16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, OH, May, 2011.
514) Hancock, P.A. Practitioners and researchers dialogue. Panel Member (in substitution for Dr. R. Pew). Panel presented at the 16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, OH, May, 2011.
515) Hancock, P. A., Billings, D. R., Oleson, K., & Chen, J. Factors impacting development of trust in human-robot teams. Poster presented at the Autonomous Systems Technical Assessment Board (TAB). Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, July, 2011.
516) Billings, D.R., Oleson, K.E., Chen, J.Y.C., & Hancock, P.A. Mitigating inappropriate trust in human-robot interactions: A review of trust calibration strategies in the literature. Poster presented at t the APA 119th Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August, 2011.
517) Hughes, A.M., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., Szalma, J.L., & Butler, J. Trauma as a predictive factor for performance under stress. Poster presented at t the APA 119th Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August, 2011.
518) Sanders, T., Oleson, K.E., Billings, D.R., Chen, J.Y.C. & Hancock, P.A. A model of human-robot trust: Theoretical framework and meta-analysis. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. September, 2011.
519) Oleson, K.E., Yordon, R.E., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. The evolution of meta-analytic trends: Comparisons across data collection intervals through a specific case context. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. September, 2011.
520) Hancock, P.A. The foundations of adaptive automation in physiological theories: A personal retrospective. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. September, 2011.
521) Szalma, J.L., Teo, G., Hancock, P.A., & Murphy, J.S. Knowledge of results and diagnostic power: Implications for vigilance training to support improvised explosive device detection. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, September, 2011.
522) Billings, D.R., Hancock, P.A., & Schaefer, K. Human-robot trust: Implications for working in extreme environments. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society for Human Performance in Extreme Environments, Las Vegas, NV, September, 2011.
523) Schaefer, K.E., Billings, D.R., & Hancock, P.A. Robots vs. machines: Identifying user perceptions and classifications. Paper presented at the 2012 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), New Orleans, LA, March, 2012.
524) Billings, D.R., Schaefer, K.E., Chen, J.Y.C., & Hancock, P.A. Human-robot interaction: Developing trust in robots. Paper submitted to Human-Robot Interaction 2012, the 7th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference, Boston, MA, March, 2012.
525) Hancock, P.A. Hours of boredom – Moments of terror: Operator performance under stress. Plenary Keynote Address given at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Conference on: Improving Human Performance on the Grid, Atlanta, GA, March, 2012.
526) Hancock, P.A. Bi-directional memory as a string of pearls. Paper presented at the 2012 Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Performance, Howey-in-the-Hills, FL, March, 2012.
527) Mercado, J., White, T.L., & Hancock, P.A. Effects of automated cue failure in a multi-modal cueing target detection task. Paper presented at the 2012 Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Performance, Howey-in-the-Hills, FL, March, 2012.
528) Sawyer, B.D., & Hancock, P.A. Development of a linked simulation network for multiple driver investigations. Paper presented at the 2012 Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Performance, Howey-in-the-Hills, FL, March, 2012.
529) Schaefer, K.E., Sanders, T.L., & Hancock, P.A. Human-robot trust. Paper presented at the 2012 Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Performance, Howey-in-the-Hills, FL, March, 2012.
530) Edwards, E.R., Driksell, L., Sanders, T., Schaefer, K., & Hancock, P.A. Physiological measures may provide insight into measuring human trust in robots. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona Beach, April, 2012.
531) Ramalie, R., Hancock, P.A., Sawyer, B.D., Fok, A., Ludvigsen, J., & Solomon, G. Driving downgraded to secondary task management due to GPS operation. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona Beach, April, 2012.
532) Hughes, A.M., Mouloua, M., Hancock, P.A., & Szalma, J.L. Trauma and appraisal in performance under stress. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona Beach, April, 2012.
533) Ludvigsen, J., Fok, A., Sawyer, B.D., & Hancock. P.A. Priming effects and the simulator sickness questionnaire. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona Beach, April, 2012.
534) Nunez, J., Hughes, A., Leavens, J., Higgins, N., & Hancock, P.A. Mitigating the effects of stress and error in extreme environments. An error recovery design approach. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona Beach, April, 2012.
535) Leavens, J., Hughes, A., Nunez, J., Higgins, N., & Hancock, P.A. Designing to enhance teamwork in extreme environments. Paper presented at the Human Factors and Applied Psychology Student Conference, Daytona Beach, April, 2012.
536) Szalma, J.L., Hancock, G.M., Schmidt, T.N., Teo, G., & Hancock, P.A. Sustained attention can be trained using a video game-based task. Paper presented at the American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL, May, 2012.
537) Hancock. P.A. The context of performance: Unified principles and diverse applications. Senior Lecture presented at the Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Honolulu, HI, June, 2012.
Papers to be Presented
Teo, G., Hancock, G.M., Schmidt, T.N., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. The effects of knowledge of results on vigilance training. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Billings, D.R., Schaefer, K.E., Llorens, N., & Hancock, P.A. What is trust? Defining the construct within and across domains. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Sanders, T.L., Llorens, N., Billings, D.R., Schaefer, K., Hancock, P.A., Driskell, L., & Long, T. Physiological and behavioral cues: Identifying their potential value in measuring human-robot trust. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Schmidt, T.N., Teo, G.W., Hancock, G.M., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. IED Detection under alerted conditions in a video-game-based environment using a two-alternative forced choice task. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Hancock, P.A. Advances on stress theory: The inverted-U as a subcase of the extended-U. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Sawyer, B.D., Fok, A.W., Ludvigsen, J.A., & Hancock, P.A. Cybersickness: Dare I speak thy name? Do frequent mentions of simulator sickness increase its incidence. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Schafer, K.E., Billings, D.R., Kocsiss, V., Cook, J., Barrera, M., Ferrer, M., & Hancock, P.A. Trust in human-animal interactions: A review of current evidence. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Wright, J.L., Sanders, T L., Cook, J., & Hancock, P.A.. Identifying the role of attributions in human perceptions of robots. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Ludvigsen, J.A., DeWitt, A., Farinella, M., Ramalie, R., Sawyer, B.D., Fok, A.W., & Hancock, P.A. In-vehicle GPS operation may relegate driving to secondary-task status. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Schmidt, T.N., Teo, G.W., Hancock, G.M., Szalma, J.L., & Hancock, P.A. Event rate through a dynamic video-game environment in a vigilance task. Paper to be presented at the 120th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.
Invited Presentations
1) Spatial and temporal aspects of human movement control. Invited address at the Physical Education Department, California State University, Fullerton, CA, November, 1980.
2) Extremes of ambient temperature and human performance efficiency. Invited address given at the Institute for Environmental Research, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, April, 1982.
3) The control of voluntary movement. Invited address given at the Department of Physical Education, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, April, 1982.
4) Neuropsychological and neuro-physiological considerations in the analysis of human processing capability under selective hyperthermia. Invited address given at the Neuro-physiological and Behavioral Radiology Laboratory Veterans’Administration Medical Center,Kansas City, MO, September, 1982.
5) Task performance of the submerged operator. Invited address given at the Department of Kinesiology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, October, 1982.
6) Control theories of movement accuracy. Invited address given at the Department of Physical Education, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, March, 1983.
7) Human body temperature and its relationship to performance efficiency. Invited address given at the Department of Physical Education, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, May, 1983.
8) Performance and safety in extremes of temperature. Invited address given at the Institute of Safety and Systems Management, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, June, 1983.
9) Human movement and its voluntary normative control. Invited address given at the Department of Physical Education, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, June, 1983.
10) The concept of “space-time” and its relationship to simple and complex systems. Invited address given at Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT, July, 1983.
11) The effect of temperature upon human performance. Invited address given at the Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL, July, 1983.
12) Apraxia, its role in motor dysfunction and implications for theories of movement control. Invited address given at the Department of Physical Education, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, July, 1983.
13) Environmental temperature, body temperature and human performance. Invited inaugural address given to the Tri-State Chapter of the Human Factors Society, Cincinnati, OH, July, 1983.
14) Heat and Cold: Their influences on performance, productivity and safety. Invited address given to the Southern California Center for Industrial Hygiene, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, October, 1983.
15) The Emerging Human Factors Discipline. Invited address given at Los Angeles Community College, Whittier, Los Angeles, CA, November, 1983.
16) Hyperthermia, hypothermia and performance capability. Invited address given at CSPP,San Diego,CA, May, 1984.
17) The control and accuracy of discrete voluntary movements. Invited address given to the Department of Kinesiology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA, May, 1984.
18) Human Factors in industrial systems. Invited address given at theUniversity ofSanta Clara,Santa Clara,CA, July, 1984.
19) The effects of stress on human performance. Invited address given at theUniversity ofSanta Clara,Santa Clara,CA, July, 1984.
20) Setting a heat stress standard through performance analysis. Invited address given at the Medical School of University of Southern California, Department of Preventive Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, September, 1984.
21) Movement speed-accuracy relationships in space-time: Applications to control in artificial systems. Invited address given at the School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, September, 1984.
22) Ergonomics in industry. Invited address given at LACC,Whittier,CA, December, 1984.
23) Speed-accuracy trade-off in human perceptual and motor behavior. Invited address given at the Aerospace Human Factors Research Division, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, December, 1984.
24) Adaptive human-machine systems. Invited presentation at Systems Tech.,Hawthorne,CA, February, 1985.
25) The integration of perception and action. Invited address given at California State University-Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, May, 1985.
26) The physiology of heat stress. Invited presentation at the 29th Annual Western Occupational Health Conference, Irvine, CA, October, 1985.
27) Human factors and ergonomic issues in the safe operation of large scale systems. Invited presentation to the Safety Coordinators Meeting of Pacific Bell, San Francisco, CA, November, 1985.
28) The development of human motor control. Invited presentation given at Riverside City College, Riverside, CA, November, 1985.
29) A new view of occupational stress. Invited presentation at the Second Annual International Congress on Ergonomics in Industry (IACIC) Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March, 1986.
30) Heat stress. Invited presentation given at the School of Public Health, Center for Health Sciences, University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA, March, 1986.
31) Health and safety hazards in the automated workplace. Invited presentation given to the Association of Information Systems Professionals, Los Angeles Chapter Meeting, (Panel Member), Los Angeles, CA, April, 1986.
32) Toward a theory of stress and adaptability. Invited presentation given at the Department of Kinesiology, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL, June, 1986.
33) An approach to the problem of predictivity in assessing occupational stress effects upon human health, safety, and performance capability. Invited presentation given at theSchool ofKinesiology,SimonFraserUniversity,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada, August, 1986.
34) Robotics and artificially intelligent systems. Invited presentation given to the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, Sacramento, CA, September, 1986.
35) The use of robotics in security operations. Invited presentation given to the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, December, 1986.
36) Stress responses and movement capabilities: Individual differences. Invited presentation at the Second Carmel workshop on Workload and Training, Carmel, CA, January, 1987.
37) Assessment and palliation of heat stress. Invited presentation given at the School of Public Health Sciences, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA, March, 1987.
38) Workers, VDT’s and the future. Invited presentation given to the Pacific Coast Electrical Association,Irvine,CA, April, 1987.
39) Stress, shiftwork, and safety. Invited presentation given to Shell Oil Company, Health and Safety Division, Monterey, CA, May, 1987.
40) The role of visuo-motor coordination in the operation of human-machine systems. Invited presentation given at California State University-Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, May, 1987.
41) The human performance envelope in the space station (with N. Smith). Invited presentation given to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Los Angeles Section, U.S. Air Force Space Section, El Segundo, CA, September, 1987.
42) Defeating desynchronosis: Putting common sense and science into scheduling flight crew. Invited Panel Member, Human Factors Society Meeting, New York, NY, October, 1987.
43) The effects of stress and mental workload on the efficiency of aircrew performance. Invited presentation given to the Southern California Safety Institute, Torrance, CA, November, 1987.
44) Expert systems, artificial intelligence and robotics in law enforcement activities. Invited presentation given to the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, December, 1987.
45) Operator stress and adaptive systems. Invited address given at the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, January, 1988.
46) The internal clock. Invited address given at the Department of Psychology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, February, 1988.
47) An overview of automation and technological innovations as applicable to law enforcement activities. Invited address given to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Executive Long-Range Planning Meeting, Ventura, CA, February, 1988.
48) The temporal dimension of stress. Invited address given atNASAAmesResearchCenter,Moffett Field,CA, March, 1988.
49) Investigating workload extremes. Report given to NASA, Contractors Meeting,Asilomar,CA, April, 1988.
50) The management of developing technology. Invited presentation given to California P.O.S.T. Commission, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, July, 1988.
51) Human factors and artificial intelligence. Invited presentation given to the California P.O.S.T. Commission, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, July, 1988.
52) Stress, workload and ergonomics. Invited presentation given to the Industrial Safety Committee of Pacific Telesis, Irvine, CA, October, 1988.
53) Integrating emerging technologies. Invited presentation given to California P.O.S.T. Commission, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, December, 1988.
54) Robotics and artificial intelligence. Invited address given to California P.O.S.T. Commission, California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, December, 1988.
55) Ergonomics and the future of Safety. Invited presentation given to the Utilities Committee of the National Safety Council, Palm Springs, CA, January, 1989.
56) The internal clock. Invited presentation given at the School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, February, 1989.
57) Integrating ergonomics and safety. Invited presentation given to the Valley Coastal Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), Woodland Hills, CA, March, 1989.
58) The effects of stress on human performance. Invited presentation given to the School of Kinesiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, March, 1989.
59) Stress and Workload of the Operator of High Technology Systems. Invited presentation to the California P.O.S.T. Commission, California Polytechnic College, Pomona, CA, December, 1989.
60) Stress and performance efficiency. Invited paper presented at the Indiana University Conference on Human Error, Bloomington, IN, March, 1990.
61) Time and strategic behavior. Invited Presentation given at the Department of Psychology, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. November, 1990.
62) Theoretical and practical issues in the human factors of safety. Invited Sigma Xi presentation given at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, March, 1991.
63) Workload, underload, and pilot performance strategies. Invited presentation to the NASA Workshop Meeting on Pilot Strategic Performance, Big Sur, CA, March, 1991.
64) Perception-action and human factors. Invited presentation to the 25th Reunion of the Center for Research in Learning, Perception, and Cognition.University ofMinnesota,Minneapolis,MN, September, 1991.
65) Conspicuity and motorcycle safety. Invited presentation to the 6th Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Foundation, Brooklyn Park, MN, October, 1991.
66) The use of simulation in testing driver behavior for IVHS implementation. Invited presentation to the Department of Civil Engineering and the Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, October, 1991.
67) Problems and promises of IVHS: Human factors and safety issues. Invited presentation given to the Center for Advanced Research in Transportation and the Center for Systems Science and Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, November, 1991.
68) Human factors issues in shiftwork and performance. Invited presentation at the Safety and Health Dimensions-91, Shell Oil Company, San Diego, CA, November, 1991.
69) Configural changes in the intelligent interface for adaptive automated task allocation. Invited presentation at the Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PA, January, 1992.
70) Memory, perception and attention. Invited presentation atConcordiaCollege,St. Paul,MN, January, 1992.
71) Assessment of the load of mental work. Invited presentation (with S. Stackhouse, W. Harris, and S. Miyake) at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, February, 1992.
72) On the future of virtual reality. Invited presentation at the School of Communication Arts, Electronic Artists Group, Minneapolis, MN, March, 1992.
73) Cognitive ergonomics: The second wave. Invited presentation at the Mid-West Occupational Safety and Health Workshop on Ergonomics in the Workplace, St. Paul,MN, April, 1992.
74) Understanding virtual reality. Invited Presentation to the International Television Association, Channel 9, Eden Prairie, MN, September, 1992.
75) Aging and the internal clock. Invited Presentation to theAllUniversity Council on Aging. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, November, 1992.
76) Human factors and safety in IVHS. Invited Presentation to the State of Minnesota Traffic Engineers, Alexandria, MN, January, 1993.
77) Perceptual-motor control and driving simulation. Invited Presentation at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, February, 1993.
78) Use of simulation in IVHS research. Invited Presentation with S. Stackhouse for the Center for Transport Studies, University of Minnesota, MN, March, 1993.
79) The future of information communication. Invited Presentation to the International Television Association, Minneapolis, MN, September, 1993.
80) The virtual nature of reality. Invited Presentation given to the American Association of University Women, Minneapolis, MN, February, 1994.
81) On stress and performance. Invited Presentation given to the Department of Psychology, Mankato State University, Mankato, MN, May, 1994.
82) The time of your life. Invited Presentation given at the Learning Center Retreat, University of Minnesota, Loretto, MN, May, 1994.
83) The nature versus nurture question. Invited Presentation given at the Learning Center Retreat, University of Minnesota, Eden Prairie, MN, September, 1994.
84) Teleology for technology. Invited Presentation given at the Department of Psychology, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, October, 1994.
85) The human side of virtual reality. Invited Presentation given at The University of St. Thomas,St. Paul,MN, March, 1995.
86) The time of your life. Invited Presentation given to the All-University Council on Aging,University ofMinnesota, May, 1995.
87) Are there sex differences in cognition? Invited address given to the Minnesota Council on Family Relations, Concordia College, St. Paul, May, 1995.
88) The future of Intelligent Transportation Systems. Invited address given at the Laboratoire d’automatique et de mechanique industrielles et humaines.University ofValenciennes,Valenciennes,France, December, 1995.
89) The human side of accidents. Keynote Address given at the National Meeting of the State Motorcycle Safety Administrators, Bloomington, MN, August, 1996.
90) Collision-avoidance on the ground and in the air. Invited Paper presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, August, 1996.
91) Anticipating the Millennium. Invited Address given at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, November, 1996.
92) Aviation Safety. Featured Speaker,Minnesota Public Radio, 10-12-96. Discussion of current issues in aviation and airline safety.
93) Human Factors and the future of transportation. Invited Testimony given to the Minnesota House Transportation Subcommittee, January, 1997.
94) Behavioral aspects of traffic accidents. Invited Presentation to the Human Factors Workshop, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, Ann Arbor, MI, March, 1997.
95) The future of work and technology. Invited Presentation to Haworth Inc,Holland,MI, March, 1997.
96) Life, liberty, and the design of happiness. Invited Presentation given to the Department of Psychology, Rice University, Houston, TX, April, 1997.
97) Sudden impact science. Invited Presentation given at Liberty Mutual Insurance Research for Safety and Health, Hopkinton, MA, June, 1997.
98) Applications of simulation. Invited Presentation given at theUniversity ofCentral Florida,Orlando,FL, July, 1997.
99) Driver capabilities in confined spaces. Comments on the early information of the Princess Diana car crash. MSNBC, Monday September 1, 1997.
100) Possible causes of the Princess Diana car crash fatality. MSNBC, National Broadcast, Monday, September 8th, 1997.
101) Safety and the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative: One face of Cognitive Systems Engineering. Invited Presentation given at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, May, 1998.
102) The history of King Richard III. Invited Presentation given atConcordiaUniversity,St. Paul,MN, September, 1998.
103) The dark side of technology. Invited Presentation given atMinnesotaStateUniversity -Mankato,Mankato,MN, February, 1999.
104) Older drivers decisions to stop driving. Invited Guest Speaker, WCCO Radio Twin Cities, February, 1999,
105) Understanding accidents. Invited Presentation given at the Faculty Seminar, Civil Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, March, 1999.
106) Applied aspects of cognitive neuroscience. Invited Presentation given to the Cognitive Neuroscience Group, University of Minnesota, March, 1999.
107) Human-centered design. Presentation given to the Design Seminar, St. Paul Campus, March, 1999.
108) Human factors issues involve in multiple vehicle collisions. Invited Presentation at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April, 1999.
109) The paradoxical reign of Richard III. Invited Presentation given atConcordiaUniversity,St. Paul,MN, September, 1999.
110) On the future of design. Invited Presentation given for the Design Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, September, 1999.
111). Custer and the Titanic: Denominators of disaster. Invited Arnold Small Lecture of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Houston, TX, September, 1999.
112) Designed from Disaster: An Analysis of the Basis of Catastrophic Events and Their Subsequent Lessons. Invited Presentation at Argyle House, Residence College, University of Minnesota, February, 2000.
113) The puzzle of the Princes: Did Richard III kill his nephews. Invited Presentation atConcordiaUniversity, St. Paul, MN, February, 2000.
114) The use of simulation for human factors testing. Invited Presentation at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, March, 2000.
115) The life and times of George Armstrong Custer. Invited Presentation given at the Valley View Middle School, Edina, MN, April, 2000.
116) The nature of work and the work of nature. Invited Presentation given at Ideafest 2000, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, April, 2000.
117) Visualization, simulation and the investigation of human behavior. Invited Presentation given at the Institute of Simulation and Training, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, April, 2000.
118) On the future of human factors and ergonomics. Invited Plenary Address to the First Annual Florida Human Factors and Ergonomics Student Meeting, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, April, 2000.
119) Using simulation to evaluate operator behavior. Invited Presentation given at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg, VA, April, 2000.
120) Behavioral evaluations of driver response in simulation and real-world environments. Invited Presentation given at the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, April, 2000.
121) Understanding the nature of error in dynamic environments. Invited Presentation given at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, April, 2000.
122) Transportation research and applications. Panel Leader, Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Research, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, June, 2000.
123) The mystery of the Princes in the Tower. Invited Presentation given atConcordiaUniversity,St. Paul,MN, October, 2000.
124) Human factors and ergonomics issues in the Presidential Ballot design. Interview given on WCCO TV Channel 4 Special on the Presidential Election. November, 2000.
125) Unsolved puzzles in driving. Invited Opening Address given at the International Symposium on Human Factors in Driving Assessment, Training and Vehicle Design.Aspen,Colorado, August, 2001.
126) A Vision of the Future. Invited Medin Lecture, Institute for Simulation and Training, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, October, 2001.
127) Human Factors Contributions to Defeating Terrorism. Invited Presentation to the National Research Council, Washington, DC, December, 2001.
128) Globalization of the research and pedagogical mission: Traps and opportunities. Invited Presentation given at the Symposium on Globalization Issues.University of CentralFlorida,Orlando,FL, January, 2002.
129) The driving questions. Invited Presentation given at theGeneralMotorsTechnicalCenter,Warren,MI, September, 2002.
130) Understanding the effects of stress on human performance capacity. Invited Presentation at ARL-HRED, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, November, 2002.
131) Some observations on the life and character of Richard III. Invited Presentation at the 2nd Lady of the Lake Renaissance Fair, Tavares, FL, February, 2003.
132) Exploring Human Factors and Ergonomics. Invited Presentation to the Psychological Society of the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, March, 2003.
133) How stress affects performance capacity. Invited Presentation at the Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, April, 2003.
134) Research on stress effects on human performance. Invited Presentation at the Cognitive Science Seminar, University of Central Florida, September, 2003.
135) The driving paradox. Invited Presentation at the General Motors Workshop on Human-Vehicle Interfaces, Detroit, MI, November, 2003.
136) The riddle of King Richard III. Invited Presentation atValenciaCommunity College,Kissimmee,FL, November, 2003.
137) Commentaries on Richard III. Presentation at the 3rd Lady of theLakeRenaissance Fair,Tavares,FL, February, 2004.
138) Individual differences in human information processing capabilities: Sensitivity to variations in workload, stress and fatigue (with J. Szalma). Invited presentation at the Defense Advanced Research projects Agency (DARPA) Quantifying Human Information processing Workshop, Potomac Institute,Arlington,VA, April, 2004.
139) The truth of King Richard III. Invited Address given at theTrinityPreparatory School,Winter Park,FL, October, 2004.
140) Observations on the issues of human-robot interaction. Invited Panel presenter, NAS Workshop on Scalable Interfaces for Human Robot Interaction, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC. November, 2004.
141) Does the cat hold the key? Discussions of the Catesby theory in relation to Richard III. Invited presentation at the Camelot Days Fair, Ft. Lauderdale,FL, November, 2004.
142) Time-to-contact: A bridge to the future. Invited presentation at the Beckman Institute of the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, January, 2005.
143) Observations on the life of Richard III. Invited presentation at the 19th Annual Hoggetowne Medieval Faire, Gainesville, FL, February, 2005.
144) The mystery of Richard III. Invited Address given atValenciaCommunity College, April, 2005.
145) Hedonomics: The science of enjoyable human-technology interaction. Invited Presentation at the Medici II Conference> Center for Positive Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, June, 2005.
146) Time and the brain. Invited Presentation to the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Human Factors, Woods Hole, MA, August, 2005.
147) Answering questions on Richard III. Presentation at the Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Fair, Tavares, November, 2005.
148) A conversation on research and the proposal process. Invited Presentation at the 2006 UCF Summer Faculty Development Conference, May, 2006.
149) Custer and the Titanic: The denominators of disaster. Invited Presentation at the Institute of Human and Machine Cognition, September, 2006.
150) The future of stress research into warrior cognitive performance. Invited Presentation at the Department of the Navy and National Defense University, Human Sciences Research Conference, New Approaches to Warrior Development.Washington,DC, June, 2007.
151) The mystery of Richard III. Presentation at the Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Fair, Tavares, November, 2007.
152) The brain is a tumor, consciousness is a pathology, humans are a virus – any questions? Presentation at the Department of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, February, 2008.
153) Does the Cat hold the Key?Observations on the Mystery of Richard III. Plenary Keynote Address to the Annual meeting of the Richard III Society of America, Orlando, FL, September, 2008.
154) Observations on Richard III. Presentation at the Lady of the Lakes Renaissance Fair, Tavares, November, 2008.
155) The contributions of Engineering Psychology to the development of group leadership. Invited Panel presentation at the West Point Global Leadership Conference on Understanding the Human Dimension in an Era of Persistent Volatility. U.S Military Academy, West Point, New York, March, 2009.
156) The future of human-machine symbiosis. Invited Presentation at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva, Israel. June, 2009.
157) Time and the brain. Invited Presentation at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva, Israel. June, 2009.
158) Driven to Distraction. Invited Presentation at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva, Israel. July, 2009.
159) Richard III and the Murder in the Tower. Invited Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Richard III Foundation, Wellesbourne, Nr. Market Bosworth, England, October, 2009.
160) Author’s Round Table Presentation. Invited Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Richard III Foundation, Wellesbourne, Nr. Market Bosworth, England, October, 2009.
161) The process and purpose of publication. Invited Presentation to the Student Organization at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, TX, October, 2009.
162) Mind, machine and morality: The future of human-machine symbiosis. Presidential Lecture given at Wright State University, Dayton, OH, November, 2009.
163). The enigma of Richard III. Presentation given at the Department of History, University of Central Florida, Orlando, December, 2009.
164) Performance on the very edge. Invited presentation given to the Special Operations Command, Tampa, FL, January, 2010.
165) Problems of workload in a vacuum. Invited Presentation at the NASA Ames Workload Workshop, Moffett Field, CA, March, 2010.
166) Richard III and the Murder in the Tower. Invited Presentation at the University of Central Florida Book Festival, April, 2010. (Presentation made by G. Hancock, while P.A. Hancock recovering from Road Traffic Accident).
167) Human factors issues in technology, morality, and the quality of life. Skype Presentation given to the Department of Psychology, Old Dominion University, January, 2011.
168) Understanding hoax: The psychology of cognitive deception. Invited lecture given in the course: Science and Pseudoscience in Psychology at the University of Central Florida, October, 2011.
169) The power of gods – the minds of children. Invited presentation given to the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council Committee on Ethical and Societal Issues in National Security Applications of Emerging technologies, Washington DC, January, 2012.
170) Distractions from and distractions to driving. Master Class Given at the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, February, 2012.
171) Man-machine: The immediate future of human-machine symbiosis. Invited Presentation given at TNO Soesterberg, The Netherlands, February, 2012.
172) Transports of delight: How technology takes is to a new realm of being. Invited Presentation given at the University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, March, 2012.
173) Machines and morality. Skype Debate and Presentation given to the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, May, 2012.
174) Stress and performance efficiency: Explorations of new descriptions and causal interpretations. Henry L. Taylor Award Presentation, Aerospace Human Factors Association, Atlanta, GA, May, 2012.